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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/119

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Spotless—faultless, unblemished, blameless, unsullied, clear, untarnished, pure, innocent, stainless.

Spread—distribute, diffuse, circulate, expand, disperse, disseminate, propagate, scatter, dispense, sow.

Spring—leap, arise, start, proceed, emanate, flow, jump, issue.

Spinkle—besprinkle, bedew, water, scatter.

Sprout—vegetate, bud, germinate.

Stability—fixedness, continuity, steadiness, firmness.

Stain—mar, soil, tarnish, blemish, blot, flaw, spot, speck, tinge, color, discolor.

Stammer—hesitate, stutter, falter.

Stamp—mark, print, impress.

Standard—test, rule, criterion.

State—situation, condition, position, plight, predicament.

Station—place, situation, position, post.

Stay—dependence, reliance, staff, prop, abide, remain, continue, delay, hinder, support.

Sterlity—barrenness, unfruitfulness.

Stern—unfeeling, severe, austere, strict, cold, rigid, rigorous.

Still—quiet, calm, silent, appease, assuage, lull, pacify.

Stimulate—arouse, excite, incite, urge, impel, encourage, instigate.

Stock—supply, collection, fund, accumulation, store, provision, cattle.

Stop—rest, intermission, vacation, cessation, delay, impede, hinder, check.

Story—tale, anecdote, incident, memoir.

Straight—direct, immediate.

Strange—unusual, curious, singular, odd, surprising, eccentric.

Stratagem—deception, cheat, artifice, fraud, trick, imposture, delusion.

Strength—potency, authority, power, force, might.

Strict—precise, exact, particular, accurate, nice, severe, harsh, rigorous, stern.

Strife—disagreement, discord, dissension, contest.

Strong—able, powerful, stout, vigorous, firm, muscular, robust, hardy.

Style—custom, mode, manner, phraseology, diction.

Subdue—vanquish, overcome, subjugate, conquer, subject, surmount.

Subject—control, liable, exposed, object, matter, material.

Subjoin—attach, connect, affix, annex.

Sublime—lofty, elevated, great, exalted, grand, magnificent.

Submissive—Obedient, yielding, humble, compliant.

Subordinate—subject, subservient, inferior.

Subsistence—livelihood, sustenance, living, maintenance, support.

Substantial—reliable, strong, solid, stout, real, responsible.

Substitute—agent, representative, exchange, change.

Subtle—sly, artful, cunning, deceitful, crafty, wily, perfidious, insidious, arch, acute, fine.

Subtract—withdraw, deduct, take from.

Subvert—ruin, overthrow, reverse, controvert, invert, reverse.

Successful—prosperous, lucky, winning, fortunate.

Succession—series, order, continuance.

Succor—defend, help, aid, assist, relieve.

Sudden—unexpected, unanticipated, unlooked for, hasty.

Suffer—endure, tolerate, bear, permit, allow.

Suffocate—smother, choke, stifle.

Sufficient—plenty, abuadance, enough, competent, adequate.

Suffrage—vote, ballot, aid, voice.

Suggest—propose, insinuate, hint, allude, intimate.

Suitable—appropriate, fit, becoming, agreeable, expedient.

Suitor—beau, wooer, lover, petitioner.

Summon—cite, call, invite, bid, convoke.

Sundry—several, different, various, diverse.

Superifcial—Shallow, flimsy, slight.

Supersede—supplant, overrule, displace.

Supplicate—Solicit, entreat, beg, beseech, ask, implore.

Support—maintain, uphold, sustain, defend, encourage, second, prop, protect, favor, forward, cherish, assist, endure.

Sure—reliable, confident, certain, infallible.

Surmise—presume, suppose, think, believe, guess, conjecture.

Surmount—Subdue, overcome, vanquish, conquer.

Surpass—beat, outdo, excel, exceed, outstrip.

Suprise—astonishment, admiration, wonder, amazement.

Surrender—Yield, resign, deliver, give up.

Surround—encompass, enclose, encircle, environ.

Survey—review, prospect, retrospect.

Suspense—hesitation, doubt, uncertainty.

Suspicion—apprehension, distrust, jealousy.

Sustain—carry, bear, support, uphold, maintain.

Sustenance—livelihood, maintenance, support, living.

Swiftness—speed, rapidity, velocity, fleetness, quickness, celerity.

Symbol—illustration, type, figure, emblem, metaphor.

Symmetry—proportion, harmony.

Sympathy—compassion, condolence, agreement, commiseration.

Symptom—evidence, token, indication, sign, mark, note.

System—order, method.


Talent—faculty, endowment, ability, capability, gift, intellectuality.

Talk—conference, discourse, chat, conversation, communication, sermon, lecture, dialogue, colloquy.

Tantalize—plague, tease, provoke, irritate, taunt, torment, aggravate.

Taste—perception, discernment, judgment, flavor, savor, relish.

Tax—duty, assessment, rate, toll, tribute, contribution, custom.

Tredious—wearisome, slow, tiresome, tardy.

Tell—inform, communicate, reveal, disclose, acquaint, mention, impart, state, talk, report, inform.

Temper—mood, humor, temperament, disposition.

Temperate—moderate, abstemious, abstinent, sober.

Temporal—worldly, mundane, sublunary, secular.

Temporary—uncertain, fleeting, transitory, transient.

Tempt—allure, induce, entice, attract, decoy, seduce.

Tender—propose, Offer, bid.

Tenderness—fondness, love, humanity, affection, benignity.

Tenet—belief, dogma, doctrine, principle, position, opinion.

Terms—conditions, words, expressions, language.

Terminate—close, complete, finish, end.

Terrible—awful, frightful, fearful, shocking, terrific, horrible.

Terror—alarm, fear, dread, consternation, apprehension, fright.

Test—experiment, proof, experience, trial, standard, criterion.

Testify—prove, declare, swear, signify, witness, affirm.

Testimony—proof, evidence.

Therefore—wherefore, accordingly, thence, then, hence, so, consequently.

Think—consider, deliberate, meditate, ponder, conceive, contemplate, imagine, surmise.

Though—allow, while, although.

Thought—contemplation, meditation, fancy, idea, supposition, reflection, conception, conceit.

Thoughtful—anxious, considerate, careful, attentive, discreet, contemplative.

Thoughtless—inconsiderate, indiscreet, careless, foolish, hasty, unthinking.

Throw—heave, cast, hurl, fling.

Time—period, season, age, date, duration, era, epoch.

Timely—opportune, seasonable, early.

Tired—wearied, fatigued, harassed.

Title—name, appellation, claim.

Token—emblem, sign, indication, symptom, mark, note.

Tolerate—permit, allow, suffer.

Tortuous—tormenting, crooked, twisted, winding.

Total—complete, whole, entire, gross, sum.

Touching—moving, pathetic, affecting.

Tour—round, circuit, journey, jaunt, ramble, excursion, trip.

Trace—clue, track, mark, vestige.

Trade—occupation, vocation, calling, labor, business, dealing, traffic.

Traduce—injure, condemn, depreciate, censure, degrade, calumniate, detract, decry.

Tranquillity—Stillness, peace, quiet, calm.

Transact—manage, conduct, negotiate.

Transcend—surpass, excel, outdo, exceed.

Transparent—Clear, pellucid, previous, translucent.

Transient—brief, fleeting, short.

Transport—delight, rapture, ecstacy.

Treacherous—insidious, faithless, dishonest, perfidious, heartless.

Trepidation—palpitation, emotion, agitation, trembling, tremor.