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Applications for Situations.

Letters Answering Advertisments.

THE following advertisments, taken from metropolitan papers, are but samples of hundreds of such to beseen every day in the advertising columns of the leading daily newspapers in the great cities; showing that abundant opportunities constantly offer for obtaining employment, the positions to be secured, however, by letters making application for them.



WANTED—AN EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ON A LITERARY PAPER. A thoroughly competent lady preferred. Address D 71, Herald office, New York.

WANTED—IN A GRAIN COMMISSION HOUSE, a smart lad for office work; must be a good penman. Address, in own handwriting, stating age and salary expected, W 32, Ledger office.

WANTED—A YOUNG LADY CLERK IN A DRY GOODS STORE. Must be accustomed to the business. Address, with reference, B 80, Picayune office.

WANTED—AN ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, one who writes neatly and rapidly; willing to work for a moderate salary, and who can bring A No. 1 recommendations. ‘Address, stating experience and particulars, X. Y. Z., Bulletin office.

WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER IN A BANK. Address, with reference, Z 61, Journal office.

WANTED—LADY COPYIST, Able to write a bold, distinct hand. Salary good. Address, in applicant's own handwriting, COPY, Republican office.

WANTED—A COMPETENT SALESMAN TO SELL PIANOS—one who has experience and good references. Address, stating salary expected, PIANOS, Tribune office.

WANTED—AN ACCOMPLISHED, EDUCATED young lady as a companion, to travel for six months in Europe, with a gentleman, wife, and daughter. Must be a ready Writer, a good conversationalist, and possess vivacity and pleasing manners. Wardrobe furnished, and money to pay all expenses. Address Z.B M., Commercial office, stating where an-interview can be had.

As a hundred different persons will sometimes make application for one position, which will be given to the individual writing the best letter, everything else being equal, this illustrates in a striking manner the importance of being able to write a letter elegantly and correctly.

Answer to an Advertisement for an Assistant Editor.