Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/134

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General Directions.

Letters in reply to advertisements should be written immediately, else you may be too late. Paste the advertisement at the head of your letter; thus it will be known exactly what your communication has reference to.

It is not necessary to speak much in praise of yourself, but you may state your reference, your experience, and qualifications fitting you for the position, the whole being told as briefly as possible.

Write your application yourself, your hand-writing and the manner of expressing yourself being the test by which the advertiser judges you. If you have written testimonials, copy the same, marking them as such, and enclose the copy.

From a Boy Applying for a Clerkship.

879 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 4, 18—.

Dear Sir:
I notice in this morning's "Ledger" your advertisement of "a boy wanted in a grain commission house," which position I take the first opportunity to apply for. I am fourteen years old, have been at school most of the time, winters, for the past seven years, and understand bookkeeping and conducting correspondence pretty well, having assisted my father much of the time while he was in the coal trade, which was about three years.

I am perfectly willing and ready to take my coat off and go right to work at handling grain or anything else in your line.

I refer you to Mr. Ira Belden, coal dealer, at 56 Benton street, who has always known me.

I will board at home, and will try to earn for you five dollars a week.

Very Respectfully Yours,


From a Young Lady Applying for a Clerkship in a Store.

182 Murray St., Burrato, N. Y., May 19, 18—.

Dear Sir:
I take the earliest opportunity of replying to the enclosed advertisement.

I have been for the past two years in the employ of Bennett & Hawley, dry-goods dealers, 492 Camden street, until the dissolution of their firm, about four weeks ago. I beg to refer you, for testimonials, to Mr. Chas. H. Bennett, of the firm of Snow, Williams & Bennett, 78 Harvard street, should you entertain my application.

Your Very Obedient Servant,


Answering an Advertisement for a Bookkeeper.

1184 Longworth St., Cincrnnati, O., May 1, 18—.

Dear Sir:
In reply to your advertisement in to-day's "Commercial" for a clerk or assistant bookkeeper, I beg to offer my services to your firm.

I have been in the employ of Mr. Wm. H. Wilson for the past four years, until he sold out his business a few days ago, having kept the books of his house during the time.

He permits me to refer to him for any testimonial of character or ability which you may require.

Should my application meet your views, it will be my earnest endeavor to faithfully and punctually fulfill the duties required. I have the honor to remain,

Yours, Very Respectfully,


Answering an Advertisement for a Cook.

48 Wentworth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., March 17, 1873.

Mrs. D. N. Haskins.

Respected Madam:
Seeing an advertisement in this morning's "Press" for a good plain and fancy cook, I take the opportunity to apply for the situation.

I have been with my present mistress, Mrs. Burton, for three years, and only leave because she has rented her house for the summer, to make an extended visit among her relatives in New England.

I shall remain here until Tuesday next, unless I find a place sooner, and Mrs Burton will give you any information you may desire regarding my capacity.

I Remain, Very Respectfully,


Answer to an Advertisement for a Chambermaid.
(Advertisement pasted in.)

No. —— St., Nashville, Tenn.,
Feb. 14, 18—.

Dear Madam:
In answer to the above advertisement, I beg to state that I am about to leave my present situation, as Mrs. Harrington, with whom I have been for the past six years, is about breaking up housekeeping; and I take the opportunity to apply for the position you offer.

Mrs. Harrington assures me that she will take pleasure in recommending me to any person who may apply to her concerning my industry and trustworthiness.


Application for a Situation as Gardener.

No.—7th St., New York,
June 10, 18—.

Dear Sir:
Understanding that you want a gardener, I beg to offer myself as a candidate to fill the place. I have had constant experience for ten years, both in nursery grounds and private gardens, and am thoroughly acquainted with the management of the greenhouse and hothouse.

The enclosed testimonials, from gentlemen for whom I have worked, will, I trust, prove satisfactory. My last employer, Mr. Snow, I would like to have you see personally concerning my fitness for the position.

I am a married man, thirty-three years of age. If favorable to my application, please address as aboye, and oblige,

Your Obedient Servant,