Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/136

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Letters of Recomendation

KNOWLEDGE of persons recommended, of their fitness and capacity for the work they engage in, is always essential, before they can be conscientiously commended to others.

A letter of recommendation should be written in a plain hand, in as few words as can be used to express the idea distinctly.

A recommendation, after considering the moral character of the individual, should relate directly to the work of which the person makes a specialty.

An individual giving a recommendation is, in a certain sense, responsible for the character and ability of the person recommended; hence, certiticates of character should be given with caution and care.

Recommending a Salesman.

Syracuse, N. Y., April 10, 18—.

Messrs. Dutton & Brown.

Dear Sirs:
Your favor of the 4th inst., relative to the ability of Mr. Benjamin Walker, is received. We take great pleasure in testifying to his high moral worth and his business capacity. He was in our employ for four years, as a salesman, during which time his affability and uniform courtesy to customers, coupled with his truthful representations in regard to goods, made him a universal favorite.

Accurate in accounts, ready and graceful as a penman, attentive and kind to all, he is a most useful man in the counting-room; and the firm securing his services may be congratulated on their good fortune.

Very Truly Yours,


Recommending a Schoolmistress.

Glen Dale Seminary,
March 1, 18—.

Gen. A. B. Cottrell

Dear Sir:
It gives me pleasure, in reply to your note of the 24th ult., to most cordially recommend Miss Fannie Chapman to the position of teacher of your village school.

As a graduate of this Seminary, and subsequently as a teacher, much of the time conducting the various classes alone, she has proven herself thoroughly competent to conduct a school under almost any circumstances.

Though very amiable, she is a strict disciplinarian, and thoroughly conversant with the ordinary branches of an English education.

Yours Respectfully,

Principal Glen Dale Seminary.

Recommending a Bookkeeper.

Whitehall, N. Y., Sept. 10, 18—.

Mr. Ransom Fellows having been in my employ for the past two years as a bookkeeper, it gives me great pleasure to testify to his ability. He is an upright, conscientious, exemplary young man, 2 good penman and accountant, and a most faithful clerk. He leayes my employ voluntarily, with my best wishes.


Recommending a Waiter.

Tremont House, Chicago,
Aug. 11, 18—.

Arthur Brooks, who has been in my employ for two years, has given entire satisfaction, both to myself and guests, as a table-waiter. Honest, obliging and neat, it affords me pleasure, as he now leaves my employ, to commend him as a first-class hotel waiter.

Steward, Tremont House.

Recommending a Cook.

Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 20, 18—.

This is to certify that Catherine Miller did the cooking for my family some ten months, to my entire satisfaction, serving me both as a plain and fancy cook. She is very attentive to her work, and strictly honest and reliable.


Recommending a Washerwoman.

New Ooleans, La., May 7, 18—.

This certifies that Hannah Webber, who has been employed in my laundry for the past ‘year, is an excellent washer and ironer, understanding fine starching, crimping, polishing, etc.


Recommending a Porter.

Charleston, S. C., Sept. 18, 18—.

Donald Kennedy, the bearer of this, has been in my employ, as a porter, for the last eighteen months. He is a strong, honest, reliable man, and always very punctual, careful, and faithful in the discharge of his duty.


Declining to Recommend a Cook.

Savannah, Ga., Oct. 10, 18—.

Mrs. Ballard:

In reply to your note of enquiry, I decline to recommend Bridget Mallory. She is both dishonest and addicted to intemperance.