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Application for a Situation as Coachman.

178 —— St., Boston,
April 10, 18—.

Mr. John H. Williams.

Dear Sir:
Having been informed that you are in want of a coachman, I take the liberty of enclosing you the accompanying testimonials, to which I ask your attention. Though reared in Deerfield, I haye been in Boston for the past fourteen years, having constantly had charge of horses during that time, as I did on the farm before leaving home.

As further evidence of my ability, I may mention that I had chief charge of the Tremont Street Livery Stable until the death of the owner, Mr. Paxton, after which the stock was sold and the stable closed.

Should my application meet your favor, I shall be glad to engage as your coachman, and will do all in my power to merit your approval.

Yours Respectfully,


Application from a Governess Answering an Advertisement.
(Advertisement pasted in.)

No. 784 —— St., Troy, N. Y.,
July 18, 18—.

Mrs. C. B. Williams.

Dear Madam:
In answer to the above, I would say that I am seeking such a situation as you offer. My present term of teaching will close August 15th, at which time I would be ready to enter upon the work of superintending the education of your daughters.

I have, for several years, taught the higher English studies, besides German, Latin and drawing. For testimonials, I beg to refer you to the principal of my school, Rey. H. B. Watson.

Hoping that I may hear from you soon, and that we may make an arrangement mutually satisfactory, I remain,

Very Respectfully Yours,


Requesting the Character of a Governess.

{{block right|align=right|7 No. 84 —— St., Troy, N. Y.,
July 19, 18—.

Rev. H. B. Watson,
Principal, Glenhayen Seminary.

My Dear Sir:
Having inserted an advertisement in the papers requiring the services of a governess competent to instruct my two daughters, I will esteem it a great favor if you will inform me concerning the ability of Miss Chandler to give instructions in the higher English studies, German and drawing, she having referred me to you.

I am especially desirous of securing the services of a young lady whose moral influence will guard my children from danger—one whose amiability of character will make her a pleasant companion as well as teacher. I am much pleased with the appearance of Miss Chandler, and, if your report is favorable, I shall not hesitate to perfect an engagement with her at once.

Yours, Very Respectfully,


Favorable Reply to the Foregoing.

Glenhaven Seminary, N. Y.
July 21, 18—.

Mrs. Clara B. Williams.

Dear Madam:
Your letter of enquiry in regard to Miss Chandler is before me, in reply to which it affords me much pleasure to bear testimony to the high moral character, and superior intellectual culture, of which she is possessed. During five years' residence in our family she has ever been as one of our own household, and I can thus speak understandingly of her merits. She is thoroughly conversant with the higher English branches, and is quite fluent in Latin and German. Should you complete an engagement with her, I feel confident you will have every reason for being pleased with having done so.

Very Truly Yours,


Unfavorable Reply to the Foregoing.

Glenhaven Seminary, N. Y., July 21, 18—.

Mrs. Clara B. Williams.

Dear Madam:
In reply to your polite inquiries, I am sorry to say that the educational acquirements of Miss Chandler, I fear, will not be up to the standard you require. While she has taught the higher English for some years, knowing, as I do, the proficiency of your daughters, I doubt if she is capable of advancing them in their studies. Another very unfortunate fault of which she is possessed, which causes me to dispense with her services at the close of the present term, is her failure to sufficiently command her temper. In other respects I have nothing to say to her prejudice.

Regretting that I cannot give a more favorable reply to your letter, I remain,

Your Most Obedient Servant,


Answering an Advertisement for an Apprentice to a Dressmaker.
(Advertisement pasted in.)

{{right|Chicaco}, Ill., Aug. 1, 18—. Mrs. Harriet Munson.

Dear Madam:
In answer to the above, I respectfully apply for the situation. Though I never took up the business as a trade, I have long been in the habit of doing all the dressmaking for our family, and feel myself competent to do all plainer kinds of sewing neatly and rapidly.

Having recently, by the death of an only brother, been thrown upon my own resources, I am thus induced to seek a position which I think I will enjoy.

Hoping that you will accept my services, I remain,

Very Respectfully Yours,


Answer to an Advertisement for a Music-Teacher.

Walnut Grove Academy, Mass.,}]
June 9, 18—.

Col. H. B. Darling

Dear Sir: Seeing your advertisement in to-day's "Journal," I write to offer my services as music-teacher in your family.

I am a graduate of Music Vale Seminary, and have taught a music-class in this institution for the past three terms. My training has been with special reference to teaching the piano, the guitar, and vocal music.

I am permitted by Professor Weston, the teacher of music in the Academy, to refer to him for any testimonial of ability. I am,

Yours, Very Respectfully,


Answering an Advertisement for an Apprentice to a Printer.

Troy Grove, Ill.,Feb. 4, 18—.

Mr. A. B. Cook.

Dear Sir:
Having seen your advertisement in the last Eagle, I would respectfully apply for the position for my son Henry, who is anxious to learn printing. He is well versed in the common English branches, haying been regular in attendance at the public school for the past seven years. He is now fifteen.

I would like to have you take him on trial for a few weeks, and, if he pleases you, will arrange to have him remain until he masters the trade.

Respectfully Yours,