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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/89

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Two or more words, closely allied in sense, may be joined into a phrase, where the signs composing the words unite readily, thus adding to both the speed and legibility of the writing.


(Symbol missingShorthand absent) Of the, with it, it is, in such a way, I will be, I have.

The first inclined or perpendicular consonant sign should rest upon the line—the other signs following in their proper direction. Example:

(Symbol missingShorthand absent)

(Symbol missingShorthand absent)

Seek always to form a free, flowing, graceful outline. The most easily written forms are the most beautiful, and vice versa.

We have given, of this system, only a synopsis of the fully written Common Style, but sufficient, however, to explain the merits and principles of Tachygraphy. Those who wish to fit themselves for verbatim writing are referred to the work entitled, "The Note Taker. A Treatise on the Second Style of Lindsley's Brief Writing, for the use of Lawyers, Editors, Reporters, Students, and all persons desirous of taking full notes in Courts of Record, Professional Schools, Seminaries, and Public Assemblies."Published by the firm to which we have before alluded.

The following Extracts are from Pope's Essay on Man.

(Symbol missingShorthand absent) Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,

(Symbol missingShorthand absent) As, to be hated, needs but to be seen;

(Symbol missingShorthand absent) Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, (Symbol missingShorthand absent) We first endure, then pity, then embrace,

Pope's Essay on Man.—Second Epistle.