Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/166

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Kaveri-snana.—A snana or bath in the river Kaveri. The term Kaveri-snana is applied to fees paid to Brahmans for performing baths in the sacred river Kaveri. The fee thus paid is supposed to wash away the sin of the donor.

Ketaki.—The sweet-scented screwpine flower, Pandanas oderatissima.

Navami.—The ninth day of a fortnight.

Philosophy of the Hindus.—There are six schools of Indian philosophy and they are the Nyaya, the Vaisheshika, the Sankhya, the Yoga, the Purva Mimamsa and the Uttara Mimamsa schools. For a good idea of these our readers are referred to Professor Max Muller’s excellent treatise on the Six Systems of Indian Philosophy.

Rahukala.—An inauspicious portion of the day of the duration of an hour and a half, being that part which is considered to be under the influence of Rahu, the ascending node regarded as one of the nine planets.

Sandhya.—The Sandhya worship in which the Gayatri is used seems to be of very ancient date. The following account is found in the Taittiriya Aranyaka:—

In the old days, the Rakshasas performed hard penances when the god Prajapati asked them as to what boon they wished for. They said in reply : ‘Grant that we should fight with the sun’ which request the god granted. From that day these Rakshasas are said