Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/167

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to be fighting with the rising sun till he sets. But they are put down by means of the water consecrated by uttering the Gayatri. Therefore, these Brahmavadins, facing the east at the morning Sandhya, throw up water consecrated by uttering the Gayatri. The particles of that water become Vajra weapons and throw the Rakshasas down into the island called Mandeharuna. By turning round to the right after throwing up the water, they blow away sin. The Brahman who contemplates the sun at sunrise and sunset and performs Sandhya gets all happiness.

Samudra-snana.—A snana or bath in the sea. This term also like the Kaveri-snana is applied to fees paid to the Brahmans.

Sankalpa.—A solemn vow.

Sari.—A dress consisting of an entire piece of cloth wrapped several times round the loins; and falling down over the legs to the ankle serves as a petticoat. The other end is passed round the neck and hangs on one side.

Sthala-purna.—A purana or legend describing the history of a certain sacred place or temple. It is more mythological than historical.

Sravishta.—The twenty-third lunar mansion consisting of four stars.

Tarka.— Logic.

The Upanishads.—The word Upanishad signifies according to Sri Sankara "that knowledge which