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- Gano, Capt. John S., builds Fort St. Clair, 8, 169.
- Ganong, Dr. William F., A Monograph of Historic Sites in the Province of New Brunswick, quoted, 7, 94–109.
- Gansen's, 12, 137.
- Garneau, M., cited, 3, 82.
- Garnet's Mill, William Brown at, 4, 194.
- Garret, guide in Forbes's army, 5, 100.
- Gates, General: in Braddock's campaign, 4, 86; appointed on Virginia committee concerning Potomac improvement, 13, 50.
- Geddes, James: estimates cost of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 13, 88; esteems Morris as originator of Erie Canal idea, 14, 46, 51, 53, 55–56, 109, 115, 149, 180; honored at inauguration of Erie Canal, 149.
- Gelston, G., 12, 145.
- "Gen. Andrew Jackson," 10, 158.
- Genesee Messenger, articles by Jesse Hawley in, 14, 48.
- Genesee Street, origin of name, 12, 100.
- Gentleman's Magazine, quoted, on treachery of sending Braddock to Virginia instead of to Pennsylvania, 4, 56.
- George, Capt. (Indian), 1, 59.