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- George, King, speech at the opening of Parliament, 1754, 4, 35.
- Georgetown (D. C.): Baily describes, 11, 117; prophesies (1796) that Washington will absorb, 117.
- German Flats (New York), 12, 122.
- Gerrard: acts as spy for Wayne, 8, 170; murdered, 171.
- Gethrop, Thomas, 12, 31.
- Gibault, Vincennes won over to Clark by, 8, 32.
- Gibson, Colonel, in St. Clair's defeat, 8, 151–152.
- Gibson's, 10, 156.
- Gilbert's, 10, 164.
- Gillespie, on grade of roads, 15, 96.
- Gillis, David, 6, 202.
- Gilpin, George, elected director Potomac Company, 13, 56.
- Gilpin, Joshua, 14, 93.
- Girty, Simon: in Revolution, 6, 160, 173–174; at McKee's house during convention at Roche de Bout, 8, 191.
- Gist, Christopher: Journal, cited, 2, 98, 108; guides Washington over Nemacolin's Path, 3, 96; in Fort Necessity campaign, 138; French ruin house of, 140; in Braddock's campaign, 4, 114; Old