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Abelard, philosophy of, 496
Aberdeen, Earl of, and Lamartine, 416
Absolute government, dangers of, 133
Abuses, sapping liberty in the Union, safeguards provided against by the Confederacy, 141
Adams, John, 380
Adams, John, President, on the weakness of the American Constitution, 129
Adrian, Cardinal, see Hadrian
Adrian VI., Pope, election of, Wolsey's disappointment at, 11; attitude of, to dispensations, 31; on the cause of corruption in the Church, 67
Albert, Prince, Consort, his action with respect to the Spanish marriages, 478
Albrecht, on the errors in his treatise on early law, 384
Albrecht, Archduke of Austria, victor at Custozza, 206
conference of, with Napoleon III., 208-9; Lebrun and, 209-12
Alencon, Margaret, Duchess of, marriage schemed for, her second husband, 15 & note
Alexander I., Czar of Russia, and Napoleon I., 412, 413; advice of, on his second marriage, 445
Alexander VI., Pope, adulation of papacy during time of, 440
character of, according to Gregorovius, 66-7; as estimated by Creighton, 434
attitude to, of France, and other countries, 69-70; joint embassy of protest to, from Spain and Portugal, 71
besieged in St. Angelo, 69; his flight, 70
commission of reforming Cardinals appointed by, 72
invalidity of his election, 67-9, 71, 74
policy as sovereign, its effects, 67, 74 et seq.
(a) Use of temporal means, 74, 79
(b) Use of spiritual means, 74-9
relations of, with Caesar Borgia, 79 et seq.
rising against, and bribery, 438
and Savonarola, 72, 81, 429
successes of, outstripping his designs, 81-2
death of, and its causes discussed, 84;
Creighton on, 430-31; Priuli on, 432; Villari on, 430
Alexander VII., Pope, negotiations with, of de Retz on behalf of Charles II., 91
Charles II. 's offered submission to, 95-7
views of, on religious character of Charles II., 93-4
Alliances, France's need of, before 1870., 207, 217; and failure to secure, 217, 225
Almirante, Life of, fabulous, 364
Almonte, General, mission of, to Mexico, 151, 153, 154
Alsace-Lorraine, the price of peace, 1870., 251
Alviano, insults Cæsar Borgia, 73
Amboise, Cardinal Georges d', 68
America, see also Mexico and Mexican Empire}}
United States of, adoption of a presidential form of government, 450
after the war, 127
the Civil War (q.v.) in, its place in history, 123