coincidence of, with French Expedition to Mexico, 153 et seq. 1861-65, views of Dr. J. F. Bright on, 481, 482 debt of, after the Civil War, 127 democracy in, 125 ; premature judgments on, 126-7 education in, 123-4 growth of population and prosperity, before the Civil War, 123-4 immigration to, how induced, 127 its lack of the traditions and influence of ancient civilisation, 134 literature, scholarship, and politics in, 124 Talleyrand in, 408 Constitution of, see Constitution institutions, their peculiarmerit, limita- tions, 135 " liberty," an indictment of, 142 States, power of, how balanced, 135 ; the broad line of demarcation between, 135 Amicable grant, the, 7, 11 Andral, MSS. of Talleyrand's Memoirs left to, 394-5 "Annals" of mediaeval empire, most perfect achievement of German mediaeval school, 375 Anti-clericalism of Cavour, 175 Appomattox, battle of, 483 Archives, value of, as historical evidence,
Aristocracy dependent on primogeniture,
drawbacks of, 133 Aristotle, Buckle's ignorance of, 332 Arlington, friendly to Dutch alliance,
on Charles II. 's political insight and weakness, 118 Armies {see also French and German), in the American Civil War, size of, 127 Army in Mexico, Maximilian's attempt to create, 161 Arneth, eulogist of Ranke, 358 Arnim, Count von, 205 Arnold, Matthew, lack of appreciation of George Eliot's powers, 302 Art, German historians of, 391 Arteaga, execution of, 162, 167 Arthur, Prince of Wales, nominal character of his marriage with Catharine of Aragon insisted on — various testimonies, 18, 47 Artois, Count of, and Talleyrand, attempt to dissolve Assembly,
; in power together later, 406
Talleyrand's denunciation of, 413 Arundel, Lord, and the French alliance, . , 116, 11 note Ashburton treaty, imputation of official corruption in arrangement of, 398 Atheism, restriction of, 303 Aubigny, Lord, Ludovick Stuart, and the conversion to Catholicism of Charles II., 89 et seq. ; his place at court after the Restora- tion, 90 ; a Cardinal's hat sought for, 90-95 ; his death, 94 ; his knowledge of English, no Augustin, 342 Aurelle de Paladine and the army of the Loire at Orleans, 264 ; defeated, 265, 267 Austria, final step towards war taken by, in 1866. , 484 ruin of Napoleon I.'s marriage caused by. 457 presence of, in Italy, evil effects of, , 200 and Rome, union between, presumed by Cavour and others, 182, 202 war with, of Piedmont, 1848, view on, of Conservative patriots, 185-6 subsequent arrangement of, with Piedmont during Crimean war, 186-7 Austrian alliance sought by Napoleon III., 208; taken up by the Hofberg, 208-9 Concordat, the, 186, 188 Government's intercession for the life of Maximilian, 171 neutrality, war of 1870, how secured, , 260 plan for Franco-Austrian campaign in Germany, 209 et seq. treaties with Bismarck after Kbnig- gratz, scope of, 206; consequences of, 207 Austro- Prussian War of 1866, as affect- ing France, 205-6 ; its wider consequences, 226-7 Avignon, proposed meeting of Cardinals at, 1527., 20 Azeglio and his policy in Piedmont, 174 178, 179, 180 attitude of, to the Church, 181, 185, 202 i Azzolini, Cardinal, and Aubigny's car- dinalate, 92 Bacon, Francis, Lord, cited on the knowledge of things, 327 Bacourt, literary executor of Talley- rand, 394 silence of, on Talleyrand's official corruption, 397