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Francis I., accusation by, of Wolsey, i5 2 9-. 54 betrothal of his son to Mary Tudor,

efforts of, to secure English friend- ship, 4 schemes for the subjugation of Italy, 11 Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, and Napoleon III., 208 and the proposed Austro-French cam- paign in Germany, 211, 212 ; his responsibility for the war, 225 relations of, with his brother Maxi- milian, 154-6, 164, 165, 171 Franco- Prussian War of 1870., 226 causes of the same (see also Ems affair), 205 contribution of France to the prob- lem, 204-13 contribution of Germany to the same, 213-17 personal share of Bismarck, 204,

et sea. 

personal share of the Empress Eugenie, 205, 208, 213, 218, 219-20 summarised, 226-37, 484-8 declaration of, immediate prelimin- aries, 223-4, 226-37 ; sequence of events in, 238 British intervention, Bismarck's action as to, 240 German proceedings, July, plan of the invasion, 240 ; armies exe- cuting, operations of, 240 et sea. terms of peace, 251-4, 271 after the fall of Sedan, 254 et sea. ; effects of prolongation of (see also Paris, siege of), 271 ; after- results of, 271-2 results of, on Germany and on France, contrasted, 272 Fransecky, 268 Freedom of conscience, why not estab- lished in Charles II. 's time, 121 Freeman, E. A., on historic fairness,

History of the Norman Conquest, by,

Free-shooters, French, 257 Free-will not incompatible with fixed law, 313-15 rejection of belief in, by Buckle, 310-

renders application of inductive pro- cess to human actions impos- sible, 321 French alliance, desired bv Charles II.,

his aim, 117; Parliament's

attitude to, 120 army, re-organisation of, by Niel,

its lack of initiative and the causes, 240, 242 ; position of, end of July and after, 241 et seg. three chief teachers of, 1870., 241 Constitution of 1791, effects of, 183 demands, as to the Spanish Crown, , 233 ; as explained by De Gramont, 234 government and people, war spirit of, 1870., 221, 227, 232-3 governments, during war of 1870 — Imperial, 243 et seq. ; its downfall, -9 Government of National Defence,

historians, tribute to, by German writers, 385 hopes from Southern Germany, base- lessness of, 213, 227, 238 military position before the war of ., 229-30 peasantry, conduct of, to the wounded,

preparations for possible war with Germany, two forms of, 207 et seq.; no treaties concluded, 217 prisoners taken at Sedan, 246 troops recalled from Rome, 238 wars of Henry VIII., Wolsey's atti- tude to, 5 ; in relation to the Divorce, 38-9 French Republic, proclaimed 1870., 249 ; its military weakness, 252 ; the majority averse to peace,

French Revolution of 1789, effect of, on political spirit of old State, Tocqueville on, 182 ; view veri- fied in Piedmont, 183 ; History of, 491-5 ; one of its causes, 127 ; principles of, those of Cavour, 159 Freytag, George Eliot's supposed debt to, 287 Friedlander's Sittengeschichte, German history of art, 391 Fries, Comte anticipated by, 287 Fronde, the, 90 Frossard, with Bazaine, 259 Fuentarabia, supposed place of Charles II. 's abjuration of Protestantism, 90 Fustel de Coulanges, M. , 345 Gallenga, on Cavour's administration, 203