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Galway, Lady, sister of Lord Hough- ton, devoted care of his last days, 424 Gambara, the Nuncio, 21, 22, 23, 38 Gambetta, escape of, from Paris, posi- tion of, and operations of, 255 et seq. ; his view of Bazaine's surrender, 259 ; operations there- after, 263 et seq. ; his resigna- tion, 270 Gandia, Duke of (Juan Francisco de Lanco y Borgia), murder of, 72 Ganganelli, spurious letter of, 363 Gans, 357 Gardiner, Stephen (afterwards Bishop of Winchester/, 21, 22 mission of, to Rome, its aim and result, 36-9 Garibaldi, Guiseppe, in the Franco- German war, 256, 260, 267 work of, in aid of Italian monarchy and unity, 198-9 Gattinara, 12 Gemistus Pletho, Laws of, editions of Alexandre and Schulze, 427 Creighton's omission in citing, 436 Genoa, Duke of, and the offer of the Spanish Crown, 217 Germain, cited, 464 German army in Franco-Prussian War, causes of its success, 256 ; gradual deterioration in dis- ciplined chivalry of, the cause, 257-8; cavalry of, in 1870., 243 ; invading forces, leaders' dispositions and operations, 1870., 240 et seq. ; operations, after Sedan (see also Paris, siege of), 253, 256 et seq. ; position after withdrawal of Prince Leo- pold, 221 contribution to the problem of the causes of the war of 1870. ,213-17 Empire, the Austrian treaties as factors in establishing, 206-7 the King of Bavaria and the erection thereof, 204-5 prospects in the war of 1870, erron- eous official views on, in Eng- land, 218 Schools of History, 344-92 admission by, of value of English and other writers, 385 Berlin historians, 378, 379, 380 preconception of ideas a defect of, 382-4 comparative humility of later writers, 385 historical scepticism in, how far prevalent, 364, 365 honesty in research characteristic of leaders of later movement, . 373 influence of scientific era (c. 18501 on history, 386 mediaeval studies promoted by Ranke and Pertz, 375 nineteenth-century era, 376 rise of, 345 and the romantic Renaissance, 346 study of pantheism, 368 ; of sym- bolism, 366, 367 ; of theology. 367-70 a typical scholar of the old school, , 37i writers on history of art, 391 works by, on the Middle Ages, 351 ; on Rome and Greece, 348, 349, 35o writers of, on history of civilisa- tion, 392 ; on political economy, 388 strategy, why superior to tactics, . , 241 unity, Ollivier's views on, 227 Germanic Confederation, after war of ., 227 Germany (see also Southern States of), date of development of political economy in, 388 fall and rise of, between death of Frederic and overthrow of Napoleon, work on, by Hausser, 376 French invasion of, intended, 1870.,

historical believers of supremacy of Prussia in, 378, 379 History of, by Treitschke, 380 influence of, on all branches of know- ledge, 388 ; examples cited, 388 monarchy as understood in, 251-2 population of, increase of, in 1866, menace of, to France, 207 proposed Austro - French campaign in, 209 et seq. Germany and France, effects of the war of 1870 on, contrasted, 272 Gervinus, 378 ; critic of Ranke, 357 History of the Nineteenth Century, by, 376 Gfrorer, 359, 501 Ghinucci, share of, in the Divorce of Henry VIII., n, 22 Giberti, the Datario, Bishop of Verona, minister of Clement VII., his advances toward England, 5, 10, 13 ; his (presumed) views on Henry's Divorce, 14 ante