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Gierke, Otto, knowledge of law and politics, 496 Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von, Kaiserzeit, by, reviewed, 496-502 anecdote of Ranke and, 499 claim of, on posterity, 502 generous appreciation by, of contem- poraries, 501 reputation of, 496-7 ; compared to other historians, 496 opposition of, to historic scepticism,

Gieseler, 352 Gioberti, place of, in Piedmontese poli- tics, 174, 179 Giustinian, on the death of Pope Alex- ander VI. , 431 printed edition of, consulted by Creighton, 429 Gladstone, W. E. , appointment by, of Phillpott's successor, 297 change of politics, 479 Gloucester, Duke of, son of Charles I., and his religion, 86 Gneisenau, on character of Duke of Wellington, 382 Gneist, defect of, as historian, 382 on transitional stage of Socialism, 473 GSben, inferior quality of French troops defeated by, 256 ; gains the battle of St. Quentin, 268 Gobinenu, M. de, Essai sur V In/galiti dcs Races humaines, by, over- looked by Buckle, 330 Godeau, cited on over-much doctrine, 466 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, his definition of a science, cited, 388 George Eliot compared to, 297, 302 ; and influenced by, 280, 282, 283, 287 Gonzalvo of Cordova, expresses the feeling of Europe, at Rome, 71 Gortschakoff, Prince, and Piedmont, 189 Goss, writer on Protestant theology,

Gottingen, historians of, contrasted with Berlin school, 378 Government of National Defence, Paris, its composition and actions, 250 rl seq. ; recognition, limited, of,

; its one advantage ib. ; 

German distrust of, 251 ; and the armistice, 261 Govone, General, despatches published by La Marmora, 484 Gramont, Dukede, as Foreign .Minister, , 222, 234, 487 Granville, Earl, and the war of 1870., , 219 ; a misconception by, and its effects, 221 Grassis, Paris de, account by, of Pope Julius II. at the Lateran Council, ° consulted by Creighton as to the election of Leo X. , 439 Gravelotte, defeat of Bazaine at, 244-5 Gray, T. , 287 Greece, German historians of, 350 Green, John Richard, criticism of Ranke, method of compiling history, 427 Gregorovius, the latest historian of the Borgias, 65 rank of, as an historian, 437 studied by Creighton on the Papacy, 427 Gregory VII., Pope, unworthy political successors of, 435 Gregory XIII., Pope, allusion to, 470 Grimm, J., Grammar, 388; a model of historical excellence, 345 Gruppe, intercourse with George Eliot and Lewes, 297 Guelphic Fund, uses and abuses of, . , 204 Guicciardini on the death of Alexander VI., 84 on the successes of the Borgias, 79 Guidici, Father, 109, no Guizot, historical discretion of, 373 influence of climate, note by, 332 George Eliot's similarity to, in thought,

views of Lord Houghton's knowledge of, 422 Gun, new-type, Prussian, significance of, recognised by Lebrun, 209-10 Gustavus III., Talleyrand's appoint- ment as Cardinal urged by, 405 Gutzkow, on the philosophy of history, 329 Hadrian, Cardinal, and the cardinals' conspiracy of 1517. , 434 poisoned at table, 84, 431, 432 Hallam, the historian, 334 Hamburg, 99 ; religious intolerance at (1667), 100 Hamel, exaggerations of, 493 Hamilton, political theorist, 492 friend of Talleyrand, 394 ; influence on the latter, 409 ; Talleyrand's tribute to, 399 prognostications of, as to the American Constitution, 129 ; his view of democracies, 130 on the balance of Federation against Centralisation, 135 Hammond, representative divine teach- ing of, 489