The homily.
piety, Rccelerate our course to the gates of the heavenly country, where the inhabitants of the eternal city are waiting for us, and the King himself, who wishes all men to be safe, is anxiously looking for our salvation with his holy saints. It is our duty to co-operate with Him in the work of our salvation; for He hath loved us to such a degree that he did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all. Let us love Him because He first loved us; let us do His will, because His will is our happiness: let us always keep in mind what was said by the Source of all Truth to a certain rich man in the Gospel: "If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments:" what are the commandments, save to fear God and to love our neighbour? "On these two commands hang all the law and the prophets!" Now, the love of our neighbour is proved in works of compassion. Whosoever hath the riches of this world, let him help the man who hath not. Whosoever possesseth the knowledge of learning, let him correct him who errs, as the Apostle James saith, "Who so turneth one sinner from the error of his ways, covereth a multitude of his own sins." It behoveth us to know, dearest brethren, that, in proportion to the number of souls any man has gained to God, so will be the reward which he shall receive from God. What exalted glory do you not imagine St. Vedast must have in the heavenly kingdom with Christ, who gained by his zealous preaching such an innumerable people to Christ on earth! Or, how great glory do you then trust that man's soul must have among the angels, whose body hath so much honour among mankind! What cannot his pious prayers obtain in heaven, when on earth he performed such great miracles? But the zeal of his Gospel-preaching and the fervour of the love which glowed in his bosom, were greater than any miracles. See how manfully he sought to multiply the talents which he received from the Lord! Therefore shall he hear the Lord pronounce over him that happy