Chap. X.—How Cuthbert passed the Night in the Sea, praying; and when he was come out, two Animals of the Sea did him reverence; and how the Brother, who saw those things, being in fear, was encouraged by Cuthbert
Chap. XI.—How, when the Sailors were prevented from Sailing by bad Weather, he predicted that it would be fine on a certain Day, and how he obtained Food by Prayer
Chap. XL.—How, according to the previous Warning of the Psalm which they sung at his Death, the Brethren of Lindisfarne were assailed from without, but by the Help of God were protected
Chap. XLI.—How a Boy, who was possessed by a Devil, was cured by some Water, mixed with Dirt, from the Place where the Water in which his Corpse had been washed had been thrown
Chap. II.—How the King, after his Victory, was eager to be baptized, and how he took St. Vedast to teach him and administer to him the Sacrament of the Faith
Chap. VI.—How the Holy Man was ordained by Saint Remedius, and sent to the City of the Atrebates to preach the Word of God; and how he healed a blind and lame Man at the Entrance of the City
Chap. VII.—How he explored every Part of the City, and with difficulty found the Vestiges of an Ancient Church among the Ruins which were become Dens for Wild Beasts