Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/379

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Nahor, 228.
Napkins, the Holy, 164.
Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem, 263.
Narseus, King of Persia, 269.
Narsis overcomes Totila, King of the Goths, 282 ; he invites the Lombards into Italy, 282.
Nazareth, 176.
Neapolis.—See Sichem. Nebuchadnezzar, 241.
Nehemiah, 247.
Nero, the Emperor, 258 ; he persecutes the Christians, 259.
Nerva, the Emperor, 260 ; liberates St. John, 260.
Nicopolis built, 264.
Niduari, a territory of the Picts, 25.
Nile, River, 177.
Ninus, 229.
Noah, 224.
Northelm, Archbishop of Canterbury, a pupil of Bede, xxxiii., xxxiv,, l., 137.
Northumberland, Bede's letter to Bishop Egbert gives acurious Picture of the debased state of Ecclesiastical discipline in Northumberland in his time, 138, 155.
Numa Pompilius, 240.
Numerianus, 269.


Odoacer, King of the Goths, 280.
Olives, Mount of, 166.
Olympiad, the first B. C. 776 ; 239.
Olympic Games instituted, 233.
Omri builds Sammaria, 236.
Onias, 250, 251.
Onlaf, 201
Onlafbald accompanies Reingwald, 197; his death, 198.
Opobalsam, how produced, 170.
Origen, 265 ; writes against Celsus, 266; dies, 266.
0rkney Islands subdued by Claudius, 258.

Orosius removes the reliques of St. Stephen to the West, 276.
Oscetil, Archbishop, 202.
Osred, King of Northumbria, 96.
Oswald, King, 204.
Oswin, King, 83, 205.
Oswulf, 209.
Oswy's Mount, 194.
Othniel, first of the Judges, 232.


Palladius, the first Bishop in Scotland, 278.
Pamphylus, the Martyr, 270.
Panium, City of, 171.
Pantænus, 263.
Parochial Clergy in England, 141.
Paschasinus Lilybetanus, 277.
Paul, St., sent prisoner to Rome, 258; his body disinterred, 266.
Paul of Samosata, Bishop of Antioch, 268.
Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, 287.
Paulinus, Archbishop of York, 286.
Paulinus, Suetonius, overruns the Isle of Anglesey, and destroys the Druidical worship, 259.
Paulinus, Bishop, 103, 112; stays the flames by throwing in a fragment of the Holy Rood, 113, 114; writes the Life of St. Felix, 114.
Pelagius' Heresy, 275, 279.
Peleg, 227.
Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrdom of, 264.
Persians take Jerusalem, 285.
Pertinax, Emperor, 263.
Peter, St., founds the Church of Antioch, 258; Journey to Rome, 258.
Peter's, St., Isle of Thanet, 85.
Peter and Paul, Monastery of, at Weremouth and Jarrow, 86, 88.
Peter Alexandrinus, 270.
Phiale, Fountain of, 171.
Philip, the Tetrarch, discovers the Source of the Jordan, 171.
Philipp, the first Christian Emperor, 265.
Pbilippiciis, the Emperor, 292, 293.