in a linen sack in the same chest, were placed by themselves. Fifty years afterwards Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, erected a shrine of gold and silver, richly adorned with jewels, in which he inclosed the relics of Venerable Bede and other saints, and caused this inscription to be placed over it:
Continet hæc theca Bedae Venerabilis ossa:
Sensum factori Christi dedit, aesque datori.
Petrus opus fecit, praesul dedit hoc Hugo domum:
Sic in utroque suum veneratus utrumque patronum.
In the reign of Henry the Eighth this beautiful shrine was demolished, and the relics of the saints treated with every indignity by an insane mob, urged on by its Puritanical leaders to destroy the monuments of the piety of their ancestors. The only memorial now remaining in the cathedral of Durham, of its once having been the resting-place of the remains of Bede, is a long inscription to his memory concluding with the well-known monkish rhymes:
Hac sunt in fossa Bedæ Venerabilis Ossa.