104 EAELY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. at 7 we returned to the camp. On duty — E. Kd., Mr. Janson ; C. Sign, Norwich. Wednesd., 11. a.m. — ^Very hot day at ^ past 11. Punished 2 men, Taylor and Blackmore, for contemt of the military, with 100 lashes each. At 12 heard the report of a gun at a distance from the harbour; sent a man to the flagstaff ; 10 minutes past hear the report of cannon. At 2 P.M. Capt. Merthew came to the camp and informed the Governor that the report of cannon was the 1 mate scal'd one of the guns from the Ocean. My man returned from fishing, and caught 2 rock. In the eve at 9 we observd 2 large native fires on N.W. Therm. 92 & 94, with all the canvas down. On duty — Fosbrook and Bowden ; C. Sign, Hope. Thursday, 12. a.m. — Moderate and hazy. At 2 p.m. observd a schooner coming into the Bay ; at 3 she came to anchor near the Ocean transport ; at 4 a boat landed from her ; she came from Ft. Jackson, ship namd the Edwin. In the eve Mr. Janson, Lieut. Johnson, E.M., came and smokd a pipe ; at past 111 went a round in the camp to see if all was quiet, when I unfortunately spraind my ancle, very bad. On duty — Mr. Harris and Hopley ; C. Sign, Ramsgate. Friday, 13. a.m. — Extremely hot this day, and confid to my marquee, p.m. — Feople employd in loading the Ocean transport. At 7 the Lt. Gov, requested I would not attempt going on guard this night. On duty — Mi*. Janson ; C. Sign, Broadstairs. Saturday, 14. a.m. — Rather better; at 11 the Lt. Governor called on me ; at 4 p.m. the thermomiter 92 ; at -^ past 6 the thermomiter 76. This day twelvemonth I received my appointment as chaplain to the settlement or settlemens of New S. Wales. On duty — Mr. Fosbrook, Bowden ; C. Sign, Settingbourne. Sunday^ 15. a.m. — At 7, rain. past 10, it blew very hard, with rain, which continued till pas 1 2 p.m. At 4 thunder and lightning. At 8 information was given from the Ocean that Capt. Merthew had 2 men drownd by the boat upsetting from Swan Island. At 9 the tempest very severe. On duty — Harris and Hopley. Monday, 16. a.m. — The day very hot. At 1 p.m. MacAllnan [McAl- lenon] went to the Lieut. Governors garden and surrendered himself, with a gun that was Mr. Fosbrooks the Commissarys. At 2 he was brought into the camp. On duty — Mr. Janson ; C. Sign, Henley. Tuesday, 17. a.m. — Engaged all the morn in taking the deposition of Dan Mac Allenan, the prisoner that escaped with Pritchard and the party when Charles Shaw was shot. Saild for Kings Island the Edwin. On duty — Mr. Fosbrook and Bowden ; C. Sign, Woodstock. Wed.. 18. A.M. — The day very fine. At 11 the thermomiter stood at 82. At 1 P.M. ther. 92 in the shade, 110 in the sun. At 1 the military assembled on the parade in their new cloaths and fird 3 excellent voUies. At I past 3 a hut belonging to Lieut. Johnsons, of the R. Marines, took fire and burnt down, with another of Lieut. Lords, and very near setting the marque's on fire. Observation of the thermomiter taken by Mr. Harris in his marque : — Hours, Shade. Sun. A.M.— 7 ... 68 12 noon ... 92 ... 117
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