EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 105 Hours. P.M. — ^ past 1 2 ^ past 2 Shade. Sun. 97 • ••• . . • •• 127 101 130 102 132 102 120 83 • ... 2 3 10 This has been by far the hotest day since we came to the camp. On duty — Mr. Harris and Mr. Hopley ; C. Sign, Charlotte. Thursday^ 19. a.m. — At 9 a strong hot N.W. wind, and the country all on fire about Arther Seat, and to the N.E. of it. At 11 rain, p.m., at 4, rain. At 9 very hard rain, with lightning and thunder. On duty — Mr, Janson ; C. Sign, Crane. . Fridmj, 20. a.m. — Moderate wr. and cool. At 2 p.m. came to anchor the A^Di from Pt. Jackson, with dispatches from Govr. King to Lieut. G. Collins. On duty — Mr. Fosbrook and Bowden ; C. Sign, Baker. Saturday, 21. a.m. — Engaged all the morn on business, taking the deposition of Chs. Shaw. At 1 p.m. information was given that 2 ves- sells were in sight from the Flag-stafF, standing towards this harbour. At 3 a brig came in sight. At 4 came to anchor the Lady Nelsoti, brig, from Pt. Jackson, and the Edwin from Kings Island. On duty — Harris and Hopley ; Adams. Sunday, 22. a.m. — At 6 the Lady Nelson, brig, and A7in, cutter, anchord opposite to the camp very near the jetty end. At 9 very hot. ^ past 10 the military assembled. At 11 the Lt. Gov., civil and military officers, attended divine service, and all the convicts. At 1 we observd the country on fire all round Arthers Seat, and to the N.East. At 9 I went upon guard, my let (leg ?) being very much better. On duty — Rev. R. Knopwood, Mr. Janson; C. Sign, Simondz. Monday, 23. a.m. — At 1 1 observd a large fire near the camp, be- tween the Yellow Blufi" and the camp. Set upon business respecting Hartley at the mess room. Lieut. Sladden and Mr. Harris for the first time there. On duty — Mr. Fosbrook and Bowden ; C. Sign, Champion. Tuesday, 24. At 11 a.m. the Court sat again and finishd the busi- ness. At 10, 1 Lieut. P. Marines went on board with 20 soldiers. At 2 p.m. 120 of the convicts went on board the Ocean transport with their baggage. At 3 one of the prisoners that had been absent a long time returnd in a very weak state ; his name Jones. On duty — Harris and Hopley ; C. Sign, Ellen. Wed., 25. At 10 a.m. all the setlers that were to embark on board the Lady Nelson (Mr. Simonds, Commander) went on board. Employd packing up all day. At 4 p.m. I dind with Lieut. Johnson at the mess. Eve, smokd a pipe with Mr. J anson. All the convicts that were to embark on board the Ocean went on board. On duty — Knopwood and Janson ; C. Sign, Carr. Thursday, 26. At 10 a.m. struck my marquee and sent every thing on board. I dind with Mr. J anson. At ^ past 5 p.m. the Lieut. Governor and self went in his boat, and at 6 got on board the Ocean transport to take our passage to the Derwent River. Ofiicers on board — Lieut. Lord, R. Marines ; Mr. Harris, surveyor ; Mr. Humphrys, mineralogist ; Mr. Bowden, assist, surgeon. "We engaged to give Capt. Merthew 4 shillings per diem and to find us with every thing.
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