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EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 107 Shank S. 83. E. Entrance Port Phillip N. 56° E. p.m.— Moderate breezes and clear wr. 4, Cape Albeny, Otway, S. 51 W., dist. 6 Igs., Lady Nehon, brig, in company. Tuesday^ 31. Wind East. a.m. — Moderate breezes and hazy. At noon fresh breezes, p.m. — Do. wr., the land of Pt. Phillip in sight. At 8 tkd. ship. 12, do. wr. (Note. — Entries for the days above have been made before, only differently worded. — C.) Wed., Feb. 1. Wind E. b. N., E. N. a.m. — Moderate breezes and hazy. past 6, tkd. ship At noon fresh breezes and hazy wr.. Lady Nelson, brig, not in sight, p.m. — Do. wr. 10, tkd. ship to the south- ward. Thursday, 2. Wind N.W. a.m. — At 3 light airs and hazy wr. Stood to the east. At noon see the land. Cape Liptrap N. 35 E., and Willsons Promentary S. 77° E., dist. oif shore 3 Igs. p.m. — Light breezes and hazy. At 4, Willsou Promtary., N. 80° E. Pound Island, South. 70° E., dist. 3 Igs. At the end of Willsons Pro. is a very remarkable rock, with a deep cave, a great way in. The Pro- mantary very high hills. Pound Island very beautiful and exceedingly high. Sounded 35 fathoms. Fridaj/, 3. Wind N.N.W., E. ^ K, east, E.b.N., E. i S., N.E.b.N. A.M. — At 2 wore ship. Light airs and variable, with rain, and severe lightning to the east, ^-past 3 wore ship. 6 Pound Island N. 1 1 ° W. dist. 6 miles, ^-past 10 tkd. ship to the nthward. 11 Hogen's Grop. S. 11 E. dist. 5 miles; fresh breezes and squally, with rain. Hogan's Groop a cluster of islands. 1 p.m. — Barren Islands west, Hogain's Groop S.E., and Kent's Groop S. 71° W. ^-past 1 tkd. ship ; in spanker. 3 tkd. ship ; split main top gal. sail, unbent it and bent another. Spoke the schooner JoJm from Sidney bound to Kings Island. At 4 Hogain's bore S. 25° E. ; strong gales and squally. At 5 Hog- gain's Group bore S.E. 3 miles; bore up to run into the straits again. At 7 close reeft the top sails. At 8 Round Island K ^ W. dist. 5 miles. At |-past 11 saw some of the islands : wore ship; strong gales and squally, with rain ; severe lightning from the S.E. Saturday. 4. Wind East, E. K, W.N.W., west, W.b.S. a.m.— Strong gales and hazy. At 5 wore shij} back again for the P. Der- went ; set the fore sail ; more moderate. At 7 more moderate ; made more sail. At 8 Willson's Promontary N. 40^ E. At noon WiUson's Promontary N. 75° E., and the islands off the Promontary N. 62 E., where the very remarkable cave is like a stage waggon, p.m. — Fresh breezes and cloudy, with a heavy head sea. At 4 saw the Broken Water bearing S.b.W. about 6 miles. Round Islands bearing N. 62 W. about 6 miles. At 6 Hoggan's Group S. 55 W. and rocks to the northward N. 59 W. dist. 5 miles. At 7 Hog. Group south 67° W. dist. 3 or 4 leagues, ^-past 8 Kent's Group bore south. At ^-past 8 saw the land to the S.E. ; a very dark night ; steard east. At -^-past 1 1 strong gales and squally wr. ; in all sail for scudding. Latt. obsd. 39.29 south. Sunday, 5. Wind S.W.b.W., W.S.W. a.m. — Strong gales and heavy squalls, with continuel rain. At 5 the N.E. part of Ferneux Islands S. 28° W. dist. 6 leags. At 8 do. wr. ; saw another of Ferneux