108 EAELY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Islands S. 33 W. dist. 7 leags; set storm mizen stay sails. 11 strong gales and squally, with a heavy shower of sleet. At noon the Pattrots Rock bore S. 78 W. dist. 7 leags, and Cape Barren S. 26 W., and the 1 extremity N. 88 W. Latt. obsd. 40.04 south, p.m.— Strong gales ; under close reef, main top sails, fore sail, and fore top- mast stay sail. At 4 Cape Barren bore S. 70° W. At 6 strong gales. At 7 saw the land to the southward bearing S.S.W. At 9 more mode- rate. At 1 1 fresh breezes, with a heavy head sea. Monday, 6. S.S.W., S.b.W., south, am. — Fresh breezes and clear wr. — At 4 do. wr. At 6 strong gales and squally ; close reef the saills. At noon strong gales and hazy w. ; no observation, p.m. — Do. wr. At 4 more moderate and clear ; made more sail. Tuesday, 7. N. east. a.m. — At 7 sprung up a breeze from the N.E. At noon light breezes and cloudy, p.m. — Fresh breezes and cloudy. At 6 fresh breezes and squally. At 12 strong winds and hazy, with some rain. Latt. obsd. 41° 29 south. Wed., 8. North, Kb.W., S.S.W., W.b.S., S.W., S.W.b.W. a.m.— At 2 more moderate moderate and cloudy. At 5 the main top sail yard broke in two in the middle, unbent the sail and got the yard down. Saw the land a head. Van Diemens Land. At -^-past 6 bore up more to the southward. At 10 the island of Cape Pillar S. 46° W. dist. 6 Igs. At 11 strong wind and squally, with heavy showers of rain. At noon the outer point of Cape Pillar Island bore S. 85* W. Latt. obsd. 43° 16' south, p.m. — Tkd. ship ; squally, with showers of rain. At 4 strong gales and squally, with showers of rain. At 7 Cape Bassalter ^ K 82 AV., and the island, south point, K 70° W. dist. 7 leagues. At 9 strong squalls and heavy rain, with severe 54 miles. 80 miles. 80 38 67 ... 140 87 48 ... 134 72 57 Thursday, 9. S.b.W. S.W.b.S., S.S.W. W., S.W.b.S., S.S.W., S.S.W. A.M. — At 2 wore ship ; strong winds and cloudy, with light- ning from the eastward. At 6 strong winds and clear wr. At 8 Cape Bassalter N. 87 W. At 9 wore ship. At noon strong gales and squally, with rain. Latt. obsd. 43,28 south, p.m. — Strong gales and squally. At ^-past 3 wore ship. At 4 Cape Bassalter S.W., being then one with the south point of the island. At 7 Cape Bassalter bore west, and the ' Cannot make out whether this word is northern or southern. ' Cape Basaltes, better known as C. Raoul. — [C] lightning. At 12 heavy s( 1804. Tuesday Wed. Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Thursday Friday Sat. — 2 — 3 — 4 Sund. — 5 Mond. — 6 Tuesd. f** Wed. — 8 Thur. - 9 Friday — 10
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