114 EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. Friday, 9. a.m. — At 8 many of the natives were about the camp, but not prevaild upon to enter ; Cap. Merthow and Mr. Brown had an interview with them on the shore near the Ocean. The people employd about the Lt. Governor's house, p.m. — In the eve Mr. Bowden and self took a walk. The Governor slept in his house for the first time. C.S., Townson. Saturday, 10. a.m. — Moderate and fair. Went out a shooting and killd some quails, p.m. — At 4 ^ a schooner appeard in sight. Name the Pilgrim, Capt. Dillano, who has the Perseverance. At 6 a boat came on shore with the Governor of Eisdon Creek. Lt. Bowen, of the Eoyal Navy, received letters from Pt. Jackson from Mr. Brumley and Lt. Houston, who is now appointed Governor of Norfolk Island. C.S., Native. Sunday, 11. a.m. — At 11 performed divine service. At 2 p.m. Mr. Humphry and self went on board the Ocean and dind with Capt. Mertho. In the eve Lt. Bowen, Lt. Moore, Mr. Mountgarret came on board the Ocean, and stayd late ; likewise the Capt. of the schooner dind there, Mr. Delano. C.S., Bowen. Monday, 12. a.m. — Employd variously. Capt. Dunnow,^^ of the schooner Pilgrim, calld upon me. p.m. — In the eve walked with my gun. C.S., Integrity. Tuesday, 13. a.m. — At 3 it blew a perfect gale of wind, which continued some time. At 11 Mr. Moore, Mr. Mountgarret, calld upon me. P.M. — At 4 I walkd out with my gun, and kill a very fine kangaroo. At 6 returnd to the camp. The first kangaroo that had been killd by any of the gentlemen in the camp. C.S., Hunters Eiver. Wed., 14. A.M. — Mr. Moore and Mr. Wilson calld upon me. p.m. — Mr. Wilson and Lt. Lord dind with me. C. S., Buckingham. Thursday, 15. a.m. — Gov. Collins sent for me on business, p.m. — At 3 I went out a shooting ; no success. C.S., Farren. Friday, 16. a.m. — At 5 I went out with my gun and returnd at 10 ; no success. At 12 I put up three quails near Mr. Bowdens marque, and killd them. A 4 p.m. Lieut. Lord, Mr. Humphry, Mr. Brown dined with me. Mr. Mountgarret, Mr. CoUens, Capt. Mertho, Mr. Moore were to have dind with me, but could not get down time enough. They came to me at 5 p.m., and took wine with me. C.S., Pitt. Saturday, 17. a.m. — Very fine weather. 4 p.m.. Captain Bowen, the Governor of Eisdon Creek, and Mr. Mountgarret, Lt. Lord, dind with me. C.S., St. Patrick. Sunday, 18. a.m. — At ^ past 10 I married Mrs. Ann Skelthon to Corp. Gangel, in the Eoyal Marines, at Lt. Governor Collins house. The weather unfavourable that we could not have divine service per- formd. Mr. Wm. Todd "right came on shore : he dind with me. ' An American Bostown. 2 It -will be noticed tliroughout this copy of Knopwood's journal, Avhicli I have followed with very great exactness, that, with all the advantages of a high-class education, he spells very carelessly, especially proper names, which he writes very variousl3^ The names of Lieut. Moore, Mr. Humphries, Captain Mertho, Mr. Mountgarrett, Dr. Bromley, should all he written as I give them, but he usually Avrites them in some other way. Dunnow, as he writes it here, is Dillauo and Delano elsewhere, &c., &c. — [C]
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