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EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 115 At 3 Lt. Lord and self went on board the Pilgrim, an American schooner, Capt. Delano, and stayd till 6 p.m. C.S., Peru. Monday, 19. a.m. — At i past 8 Lt. Lord, Wm. Wright Todd, breakfasted with me. At 10 Mr. Moore calld upon me. C.S., Straits. Tuesday, 20. Employed all the day with Capt. Delano and his mate Mr. Mile. Mr. Wilson sup'd with me and Mr. Harris. C.S., George. Wed., 21. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harris breakfasted with me, and Mr. Wilson and Mr. Wright Todd dind with me and stay'd the day. A young man on board OajDt. Mertho ship. His father was Capt. of H.M. shijo Queen Charlotte that was blown up. C.S., Nile. Thursday, 22. a.m. — Mr. Wilson breakfasted with me. Confind to my marque with a spraind ankle. FHday, 23. a.m. — Mr. Wilson breakfasted with me. At 1 p.m. I dind with Mr. Lord, and met Capt. Bowen and Mr. Mountgarret, Mr. Wilson from Eisdon Cove, and Mr. Humphry. After tea they all came to see me and stayd late. C. S., Virginia. Saturday, 24. Mr. Lord and self went on board the Pilgrim schooner, and Capt. Delano came on shore with us. I dind with Mr. Lord. Saild the Ocean, transport, to Pt. Phillip for the civil, military officers, &c., &c., &c. Parole, Fair Winds ; C.S., Ocean. Sunday, 25. a.m. — Mr. Lord and self breakfasted with Mr. Hum- phry on board the American schooner. At ^ past 10 performd divine service. Captain Delano and self dind with Lt. Lord. In the eve they came to me. C.S., Georgia. Monday, 26. a.m. — At 6 saild the American schooner, Capt. Amasa Delano, for Kents Bay. At 11 Mr. Humphry and self went in a boat to Eisdon Cove, on a visit to Governor Bowen, and dind with him. Met Mr. Bowden with their dogs. They caught 6 young emews, about the size of a turkey, and shot the old mother. C.S., Kentuchy. Tuesday, 27. a.m. — At 9 Mr. Mountgarret, Mr. Humphrey, and Mr. Brown and servants, with 10 days provisions, to go to the head of the river. Mr. Wilson and Lt. Moore came and stayd the eve with us. C.S., Otway. Wed., 28. A.M. — Gov. Bowen and self walkd about the wood with our guns. At 4 p.m. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Moore came and took wine with us. C.S., Serle. Thursday, 29. a.m. — This morn Gov. Bowens young friend was confind to her bed. At 10 Lieut. Moore and self came to camp, and Mr. M. dind with me. C.S., To wry. Friday, 30, Good. a.m. — This day was strictly observd throughout the Camp. At ^ past ten all the officers in the camp, military and convicts, attended divine service. At 10 p.m. it blew very hard, which continued all night. C.S., Orde. Saturday, 31. a.m. — At 9 dark weather, blowing hard. p.m. — Do. wr. I went out a shooting in the eve ; no success. The weather continue to blow very much. C.S., Mann. April, Sunday, 1, Easter Day. a.m. — At ^ past 10 all the officers, &c., &c., attended divine service. After that Lieut. Lord, Eoyal Marines, and Mr. Harris, pertook of some Norfolk ham with me, the best we ever eat. At 4 p.m., Mr. Bowden and self dind with Lieut. Lord, and was very merry. C.S., Nelson. h2