120 EAKLY RECOKDS OP POET PHILLIP. returnd to Eisdon ; at 5 p.m. Mr. Mountgarret and Mr. Brown came to the camp. C.S., Tavistock. Friday, 18. a.m. — Sailed at 7 the Nanctj for Kings Island a sealing; 4 P.M., rainy weather, which continued all night. C.S., Blandford. Saturday, 19. a.m. — Continuel rain and cloudy wr. : at 6 p.m. the Nancy in sight working out of the river ; at 7 Mr. Harris came and smokd a jHpe with me ; at 8 Mr. Mountgarret calld upon me from Eisdon. C.S., Dorchester. . Sunday, 20. a.m. — At ^ past 10 performed divine service, attended by His Honor the Lt.-Gov., &c., &c. ; at 4 p.m. I dind with Mr. Lord and Humphry. Thermomiter 62 at ^ pas. 12 a.m. C.S., Salisbury. Monday, 21. a.m. — I took a long walk in the morn ; at 2 p.m. Mr. Brown calld upon me from Eisdon. C.S., Norfolk. Tuesday, 22. a.m. — At 10 Mr. Harris and self walkd to the bay opposite Eisdon, when Capt. Bowen sent a boat for us. We dind with Lieut. Moore of the New South Wales Eegt. Capt. Bowen and Mr. Wilson dind with us there. I slept at Capt. Bowns. C.S., Menrirs. Wednesday, 23. a.m. — I stayd at Eisdon all day at Capt. John Bowns. Mr. Mountgarret and Mr. Brown went to Hobert Town Camp. C.S., Eeturn. Eemarks Hobert Camp, Eiver Derwent, Van Diemen's Land, 1804. Tuesday, 24. At 6 a.m. Mr. Mountgarret and self went out with his doggs to kill kangaroo ; in a very short time we killd a large one. At 11 Capt. Bo-vTi and self came to the camp, and dind and slept at my marquee ; at 10 we heard the report of a gun from Hunters Island (the store houses) ; at ^ past the sarjant who had been sent there to protect" the island was brough prisoner, having robbd the store houses of spirits and leather, &c., &c. C.S., Eeceive. Friday, 25. a.m. — At 8 Capt. Bown went to Eisdon, and I went and chose a place for my garden. Set the white hen on 11 eggs. C.S., Cows. Saturday, 26. a.m. — At 111 took a walk to the government farm, and dind with Mr. Lord. Sunday, 27. a.m. — At ^ j)ast 10 the Governor and all the officers, &c., attended divine service ; at ^ past 5 Mr. Bowden, Harris, and self dind with Mr. Lord and Humphrys. C.S., Forum. Monday, 28. a.m. — At 10 Mr. Humphrys and self went up the mountain on the S.E. to look for the Ocean [the ship], but could not see it. C.S., Liphook. Tuesday, 29. a.m. — At 10 Mr. Wilson and Lieut. Moore from Eisdon calld upon me. Mr. Moore and self dind with Lt. Lord and Mr. Hum- phry. C.S., Knitesbridge. Wednesday, 30. a.m. — At 10 Lieut. Lord, Lieut. Moore, Mr. Hum- phreys breakfasted with me, and in the eve Lt. Moore, Mr. Harris smokd a pipe with me. C.S., Brenttford. Thursday, 31. a.m. — At 10 Lieut. Moore breakfasted with me, and at 11 I went to Eisdon Cove with him ; dind and slept at his house. Calld on Capt, Bowen. C.S., Surry.
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