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EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 121 Friday, 1 June. a.m. — At 11 Capt. Bowen and self came to the Cam, and he returnd back to dinner, and Mr. Humphry with him. C.S., Kew. Saturday, 2. a.m. — At 10 Capt. Bowen sent me a large quarter of kangaroo. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Humphrys came to the Camp. At ^-past 5 p.m. those two gents, Lieut. Lord, Harris, and Bowden dind with me, being my birthday. C.S., Walton. Sunday, 3. a.m. — At 1 1 the weather was so bad that divine service could not be performd. At 12 all the officers, civil and military, and settlers met at my marque to consult on the price of labour, &c., &c., and deliverd the report to the Lit. Governor. In the eve. Mr. Harris smokd a pipe with me. C.S., Retreat. Monday, 4. a.m. — This day, being H.M. Birthday, was not observd as a holiday by reason of the Ocean transport not being arrivd from Pt. Phillip with the remainer of the civil and military officers, marines, and convicts, but will be kept on her arrival at this colony. Mr. Harris, Mr. Bowden, and self dind with Mr. Lord and Humphrys. Parole, Long live the King. Tuesday, 6. At 7 a.m. His Honour the Lt. Governor, with Mr. Harris, the Surveyor-General, and Mr. Collins, the Harbour Master, went in the Lt.-Gov. cutter to Betsey's Island to survey it ; and they returnd to camp at -^-past 10 p.m. The aft. and night blew very hard from the S.W., that they were obliged to land at Sandy Bay,^ 5 or 6 miles from the Camp, and walk in. C.S., Cumberland. Wednesday, 6. a.m. — At 11 Mr. Wilson and Lieut. Moore, from Risdon Cove, came to the Camp. In the eve I took my pipe with Mr. Harris. A very fine day after [indistinct] an eve. Mr. Harris and self had our new gardens measured out. C.S., Lee. Thursday, 7. a.m. — Breakfasted at Lt. Lords, and walkd with Mr. Wilson near Risdon. Went to see the Government farm, &c. ; returnd and dind with Mr. Harris. C.S., Look out. Friday, 8. a.m. — At 10 Mr. Wilson came to the Camp ; at 11 I went to the Island to look out for the Ocean. At 2 p.m. I took a walk ; and in the [eve] drank tea with Mr. Lord. At 4 a.m. Mr. Collons, the harbour master, went in the white cutter to Betsey's Island to land 2 convicts there, to keep a look out for ships, and to make a signal at the appearance of any — by fire. C.S., St. Vincent. Saturday, 9. a.m. — ^At 9 Mr. Wilson breakfasted with me, and we both went to Prince of Wales Bay, opposite Risdon Cove, where I left him, and did not get back till 5 p.m. to dinner. Capt. Bowen, from Risdon, came on purpose to see me, but I was from home. C.S., Fear. Sunday, 10. a.m. — The weather so bad that divine service could not be performed, the wind so much. At 8 p.m. the white cutter returned with Mr. Collens, the harbour master, from Betsey's Island. C.S., Douglass. Monday, 11. a.m. — At home all the day; the people employd at the magazene and other buildings, p.m. — Took a long walk ; home to dinner in the eve. C.S., Bodmin. ' Sandy Bay is not nearly so far from Hobart Town, but it should be remembered that it was all bush, with its obstructions, in 1804, and it would appear double its real distance. — C.