EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. 125 Thursday, 19. a.m. — At 5 it began to rain. 8 fine wr., but the mountain covd. with snow. Mr. H. and self engaged upon business. At 10 rain, which increasd, and at 1 p.m. it blew a hard gale, the wind from the S. east : all the hills covd. with snow around ; a very bad night of wet. C.S., Friday, 20. a.m. — Continuel hard rain. At 12 more moderate, p.m. — At 7 Lt. Johnson return from Risdou, where he had been on a visit, and slept at my marque. C.S., Harrington. Sat., 21. A.M. — Moderate, but rain at intervels. At 10 my man Salmon and self went out with our guns, and killd a couple of kangarros by 12 o'clock. Lt. Johnson and Mr. Wilson breakfasted with me. Sunday, 22. a.m. — The wr. exceedingly cold; all the mountains around coverd with snow, perticularly the table mountain. At 3 p.m. Capt. Bowen, Mr. Wilson, and self dind with Lieut. Johnson. In the eve Capt. Metho came. Capt. Bowen slept at Lt. Johnson's. We had an eclipse of the moon visible. C.S., Eclipse. Monday, 23. a.m. — At 9 I breakfasted with Lt. Johnson and Capt. ' Bowen ; returnd to Risdon as soon as breakfast was over. Mr. Harris and self engaged on justice business. At ^-past 10 married Samuel Gunn, a prisoner, to Miss Paterson, a free woman. At -^-past 2 I took a walk, and returnd home to cUnner at 5 ; the hills coverd with snow. C.S., Return. Tuesday, 24. a.m. — After breakfast I went out with my gun in hopes of getting a kangarro. I see 2, but could get any ; killd a kangarro rabbit. C.S., Amendment. Wed., 25. a.m. — Sent my man Thos. Salmon out with my gun, but he had no success. At 1 p.m. Capt. Bowen from Risdon calld upon me. At 3 I took a walk in hopes of killing something for dinner, but could not. C.S., Sidney. Thursday, 26. a.m. — At 11 I walkd opposite Risdon, when Mr. Wilson took me over in a boat, and I dind with Capt. Bowen. Slept at Mr. Wilson's. C.S., Penshurt. Friday, 27. a.m. — In the morn I took a walk to the saw pitts, and breakfasted with Capt. Bowen ; his man brought home a very large emew At 3 p.m. we dind; and ^-past 4 Capt. Bowen, Mr. Wilson, and self got into a boat and landed at the setlers. We see a great many porpuses and a very large whale near us. C.S., Hyde. Saturday, 28. a.m. — ^At 12 Mr. Mountgarret calld upon me, and we both went on board the Ocean. At 2 p.m. the Lt. Governor and Mrs. Powers came ; they stayd till 5 p.m., when I went on shore with them. Mr. and Mrs. Groves and little boy drank tea with me this eve ; much lightning with rain. Simday, 29. A.M. — The wr. so bad, blowing hard, that divine service could not be performd. At 1 p.m. it blew a perfect gale of wind from . At 4 p.m. Lt. Johnson and Mr. Wilson dind with me. In the eve Mr. W. came and slept at my marque. MoT^y, 30. A.M.— At 7 Mr. Wilson went to Risdon. At 8 Lt. Johnson w^ent up with orders for every one to embark on board the Ocean. At 4 p.m. Mr. George Collins, son of the Lt. Governor's, and Mr. Wright Todd dind with me. ^-past 8 p.m. Lt. Johnson calld on
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