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126 * EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. me ; he informd that every one was embark on board but Capt. Bowen, who slept at the farm, at the house which he built for Martha Hays. The wind blowing very fresh, and a great quantity of snow upon the mountains. C.S., Pearson. Tuesday, 31. A.M. — Engaged in writing letters for England. At 10 p.m. a boat arrived in the cove from the Alexander whaler, Capt. Rodes, belonging to the house of Mr. Hurry, Capt. Mertho's house. She had been in the South Seas, and had very great success. I got my certificate ^ signd. Wed., August 1. a.m. — Mr. Eodes, the Master of the Alexander, whaler, breakfasted with the Governor, and afterwards call'd upon me. He informed me that he had some things from Port Jackson for me. In the eve Capt. Bowen and Mr. Wilson calld upon me. Thursday, 2. a.m. — At 8, Lt. Lord, Mr. Harris, and self, went and breakfasted with Capt. Mertho. Mr. Bodes went early in the morn to his ship at Adventure Bay. At | past 10 Henery Hakin went in the white cutter for the Lt. Governors dispatches. C.S., Antrim. Friday, 3. a.m. — At 10, engaged all this morn upon business with Mr. Harris. At 3 I dind with Capt. Bowen at his house at the farm. Mr. Wilson there. I returnd home to tea. Sat., 4. A.M. — Engaged in writing letters all the morn. 5 p.m. Lt. Johnson dind with me. Henry Hakin, the Lt. Governors coxwain and pilot, returnd from the ship Alexander in Adventure Bay. He brought me a dog 'from Lt. Houston, and informd us that he see a ship at a distance out of the river. Sunday, 5. a.m. — The Ocean, transport, was to sail this day, but was prevented. The Governors despatches were not ready. At 5 p.m. a boat arrived from the Lady Barlo, a ship from Pt. Jackson with cattle, &c., &c. Sent all my letters on board the Ocean, Capt. Mertho. The (Lt. Governors coxwain went down to the Lady B. to pilot her up. Mrs. Pettit, Adjt. Pettit, Ld. Spencer, Ld. Sudley, Wm. Tustin, Esqr., — Donovan, Lt. Houston. C. S., Ocean. Monday, 6. a.m. — At daylight I went out with my man Salmon in search of kangarro, but could not find any. Returnd home at 11. 2 p.m. Mr. Harris and self went on board the Ocean, transport, Capt. Mertho, to dinner, where we met Mr. Mountgarret, Lt. Moore, and Mr. Brown [? Bowen], who were going to Pt. Jackson. At 7 we came on shore. Tuesday, 7. a.m. — At 1 1 we observed the East India [Extra] Com- pany shiiJ Lady Barlojv beating up the river. Lt. Johnson dind with me. At 8 she anchord in Sullivan Bay. C. S., McAskill. Wednesday, 8. a.m. — At 9 the Lt. Governor sent me some letters, which were from England, Mr. Pettit, &c., and likewise from Mr. Marsden. At 3 p.m. I dind with the Lt. Governor, and met Capt. ' These are to certify the Right Honble. the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury that the Revd. Robert Knopwood hath been in the execution of his office as Assistant Chaplain of the settlements in New South Wales from the date of^s appoint- ment to the day of the date hereof. ^^ Given under my hand at Government House, Hobert Town, Derwent River, Van Diemen's Land, this twenty-ninth day of Feb. 1804. D. C, Lt. Governor.