80 HISTOBY OF BISHOP AtCELANB. Buckingliamaliire), in London ; Catherine (Mrs. N. Vansittart), at New York ; Elizabeth (wife of Lord Francis Godolphin Osborne), in London; Caroline (Mrs. Arthur Vansittart), at the Phoenix Park, Dublin ; Mary Louisa (Mrs. Wedderbum), at St. Ildefonso, in Spain ; and Maiy, at Beckenham, in Kent On the 24th of February, 1810, Lord Auckland's eldest son, who was a teller in the Exchequer, was found drowned in the Thames ; and his Lordship was so much affected by the event, that he never recovered it On the 28th of May, 1814, whilst at breakfast with his family 'at Eden Farm, near Bromley, in Kent, he was suddenly seized with a spasm, and instantly expired. 1564. — June 21. — WedowLeek, a midwyfe, b. Novemb. 14. — ^Mr. Seamer, sVant to my Lord of Dorhame, b. 1665.— May 19.— John Wall, a chyld, b. May 21. — John Wall, a child brother to this next before, and twenes, b. 1568. — ^Novemb. 25. — A Stranger that cam from Eldonn, b. l576.^Jeniiarij 13. — ^A Cripple came from Midrige, buried.
- Jenuarij 27. — ^Docter James PUkintonn, Lord Bushope of Durham, buried.
1588.— Jullie 23.— Allis Laxe, of Westertonne, b. August 15. — ^AnnaB Laxe, of Westertonne, b. August 16. — John Laxe, hir husbande, buried. Septemb. — ^Willm. Lax, of Westertonn, buried. 1581. — Aprill 8. — ^Mres. Barnes, wyf of my Lord of Durhame, buried. 1587. — ^May 17. — ^A pour man dyed one Eldonji More, b. 1589. — Februarij 9. — Thomas Foster buried, drowned in the P'ke. 1591. — ^December 29.^ One of my Lord of Durhame his cooks b. 1597. — Septemb. 4. — ^Wedow Claxtonn, of Winektonn, b. The same daie, Qeorge Bellarbie, of Coundonn, of plage. The same daie, Wedow Bobinsnn, of Coundonn, of plage. At this time the plague seems to have raged with great violence in this neighbom*hood, principally in Bishop Auckland and Coundon. From the 4th of September up to the Slst of December, 1597, there are fifty deaths recorded at the first-named place, and twenty-one at the latter, from the plague alona 1597. — Septemb. 7. — Paull Thomsnn, of Coundonne, of the plague. Septemb. 8. — ^A child of Ric. Parkins, of Coundonn, of the pkgne. The same dale, a sister of Henry Laibom's, and hir child, of Coundonn, of the plague. October 15. — Robt. Gladanne, and the wyf John Qranger, of the plague. The sam daie, Elinor Lawall, of Coundonn, of the plague. The same dale, a child of Ric. Pknne, of Coundonn, of the plague. October 16. — Benson's wyf siater and a child of young Raphe Waker, of the plage. October 22. — ^Robt. Hay, of Auckland, and his wyfe and child, and a man servant of Ric. EsterUe's, of the plague. October 23. — John Qrame, of Coundonn, of plague. The sam daie, a child of Launce Smyth, of plague. October 25. — Rich. Esterbie, of Auckland, of the plague. October 26. — Peter Esterbie, his sonn, of the plague. The same daie, Wedow Corrie, of Auckland, b. October 28.— The wyf of Ric. Esterbie, of Auckland, of the pkgue. Novemb. 1. — Margrie Robsonn, of Auckland, of plague. Novemb. 2. — V;illm. Esterbie, of Auckland, of plagu. The same daie, John Granger and his doughter, and Jennat Bawdkine, buried, of plagu. Novemb. 3. — Jane Esterbie, fiUa Ric. Esterbie, of the plague. Novemb. 7. — John Pearsonn, of Coundonn, of the plague. The same daie, Edward Dickisonn, of the plage. The same daie, Wedow Humble, of the plijge. Novemb. 9.— Christofor Nicholsonn, of the Fke, buried of the plag.
- As has alroady been stated, Bishop Pilkington was dinnterred, and his remaiiiB boned in the Cathedral of Durham.
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