mSTOKY OF BISHOP AUCKLAND. 81 1597. — November 17. — ^Margrat daxtonn, a chyld of John Birdsall, of the plague. November 18. — Widow Aiasmythe^ of Coondomi, of the pkgae. November 22. — ^Mrs. Clasctoim, of the Old Fke, buried. The same dale, Elizabethe Mideltonn, and a child of John Birdsall, buried, of the plague. The same dale, Barnard Bobsonn, and Widow Dickisonn, of Auckland, of the plague. December 12. — ^Allison Laing, of Coundonne, and Cuthbt. Mideltonn, of Auckland, of the plague. December 14. — Two childring of Bapy Whartine, of Auckland, and Anthony Whartine's wyfe, of Auckland, and her child, of plague. 1609.— October 16. — A boy of the Tinkler's, of Byers Green, buried. 1615. — ^April 1. — ^Deafe Sibb, de Bishop Auklande, buried. 1616. — March 12. — Mr. Chriatophir James, sonne of my Lo. [Lord] of Durham, buried. June 29. — ^Mr. Willm. Dawport, curat of Hamsterley, buryed in the quier. 1623. — July 19. — ^A stranger came from Kendal, buried. Septem. 4. — ^A poore man that canie from Midridge dyed in the barkhouse. 1627. — ^August 25. — ^A poore man being a stranger, buried. The last-named death is the only one recorded horn the 22nd of the previous montk A blank space is left in the Eegister, evidently for the purpose of drawing attention to the fact ; and during the following month, ending October 25th, the blank is perfect, there being not one single death recorded 1628. — Jan. 13^. — Charles Wren, sonne of Lindley Sr. John Jackson and Sr. William Bhikiston, godfathers. Wren, of Binchester, Esquier. My Ladie Foster, godmother thereof. 1652.— March 8.— Mrs. Barbary Wren, buried, Mrs. Barbara Wren, mother to the above Charles Wren, who is twice mentioned in the early pages of this history, was also a Blakiston, and daughter of Sir William Blakiston, of Gibsida 1636.— May 18.— Richard Watson, of Elden, 108 years old, buried. 1641. — ^Decemb. 23. — ^Anne, the wife of Xpofer Dobson, of Bp. Aukland, buried. She was the wife of the Christopher Dobson, who lived at the Inn in Silver-street, at which Charles I. slept, when passing through the town, as a prisoner, on February 4th, 1647. She lies buried immediately under the east window of the chancel, beneath a large slab, on which is inscribed, in very rude letters, the following simple, yet beautiful, epitaph : — Anne, the wife of Xpofer Dobson, of Bp. Avkland, yeoman, diing in child bed, bvried Dem. 23, 1641. Chastitie, yertve, goodness, here lie dead. To live with Christ againe her svprme head. In the year 1653, an Act was passed for the celebration of marriages by a magistrate, and Francis Wren, Esq., of Henknowle, was appointed to the office. Marriages so celebrated were very numerous at that time, and were entered in the following form : — April, 1656. — ^According to an Act of Parliamt., the 24th of August, 1653, a marriage was solemnized betweene Wilhn. Bmnskill, of Haughton p'ish, and Isabell Downes, of North Awckknd, in the p'ish of Andrew Awckland, both in the County of Durham, in the p'sence of Willm. Wilkinson, John Downes, and others, the sixteenth day of Aprill, in the yeare of our Lord Qod 1655, before me, Jobiph Lax, p'ish Register. Francis Wskn. Publication was made of the said p'tyes in the Church of Andrew Awckland, According to the tenure of the said Act, by Joseph Lax, p'i^ Begister, by his certificate dated Aprill the sixteenth, 1655, it doth appeare. Fbakcis Wssn. Josbph Lax, p'ish Begister. Eecurring to the Church Eegister we notice : — 1662. — September 16. — ^Mr. Dennis Qrenevile and Mes Anne Cosin, marryed. This lady was a daughter of Bishop Cosin, and on the next page of the Register we find the following record of the above-named event :— September 16. — Upon Tuesday in the forenoone, betwixt tenne and twelve of the docke, alter morning prayer ended, there was a marriage celebrated in the aforesaid Church, betwene Mr. Dennis Orenvile and lies Anne Cosin, he being Digitized by Google
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