HISTOBiY W BISHOP AUOKLAIIX>. 83 LXZYU. yeares of age, had, in order to his fanerall at Auklaad, in the Biahopprick of Durham (as by his last will and testament was appointed), his corpse wrapt in cere-doth and coffin'd with lead : and upon Friday, 19* Aprill next ensuing, thence conveyed in an herse drawn by six horses, with banner-rolls on each side, borne by gentlemen of quality throu^ the Strand and Chancery-lane to the end of Gray's Inn-lane : a solemne proceeding made by seventyHseren poore men in mourning gowns, led by two conductors, with black stayes, and after them his Servants, with divers Qentlemen, &c. Then his Chaplains. Next the great banner, bom by Miles Stapleton, Esq. After him, Rougedragon, Pursuivant at Aimes. Then York Herald bearing the crosyer, and Norroy, King of Armes, the miter ; the chief Mourner and his assistants, all in their gowns and hoods, following in coaches. Whence it was carryed the same night to Welling in Hertfordshire, and so by several stacons to North Allerton in Yorkshire, and upon Saturday, xxvij" Apr. to Durham, the greatest part of the (Wtry, with many of the Clergy, of that County Palatine, meeting it at the river of Tese, and attending thereon to that city, into which a solemne proceeding on horseback was made from Farwell-Hall (a mile distant), the Mayor and Aldermen standing within the Westgate in their liveries, and following it to the Castle ; whence, after a short stay, a new proceeding being form'd on feet, it was bom to the Cathedrall a little before evening-prayer-time in this manner : First, two conductors, with black gowns and staves. Then the poore of those his two HospitaUs of Durham and Aukland, by him founded. Next servaunts to gentlemen. Then his owne servants. After them, Qentlemen Esquires, and Knights (all in mourning), with many Clergy-men of that Dioces in their canonicall habits. Next to them five of his Chaplains. Then Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Bart, Shireeve of the same County Palatine. Next to him the Biahopp of BristolL Then the great banner, crosyer, and myter (canyed as before is expressed), and the corpse by eight men in gowns, under a large pall of velvett, supported by four Prebends of that CathedralL On each side thereof the banner-rolls were likewise bom as abovesaid. After which followed the cheif e-Moumer and his assistants in close mourning, and after them the Mayor and Aldermen of Durham, with a multitude of chief Gentry thereabouts, the whole Quire in tiieir surplices falling in next to the Chaplains at the entrance of the Church-yard. And thus coming to the upper end of the middle isle of that Cathedrall, the poore-people, conductors, and servants dividing themselves, the rest entred the Quire, and placed the corpse in the midst thereof, where it continued till Munday ensoing, and then was carryed to Bishopp Aukland (about seven miles distant), in the like manner as into Durham, at which place the poore of the HospitaUs before menconed attending, were added to the proceeding made Again on foot from the Markett Crosse there to that sumptuous chapell adjoyning to the Castle, by him totally built, where, after evening service regularly compleated, and a Sermon preach'd by the learned Dr. Bazier, one of the Prebends of Durham, it was solemnly interred in a faire vault prepared under a large stone of black marble, the Bishopp of BristoU performing the office of burialL 1672. — September 4. — ^D. Jacobus Lesleius, nobilis Juvenis, sepultus in Capella episcopali Auklandiie. 1676. — Decemb. 1. — Christopherus Dobson de Auckland, Eps. hurried. Again recurring to the Marriage Eegisters, we extract the following : — i 1673. — September 8. — Carolus Wren, de Binchester, gen. et Elizabetha Ruddock, in Ecdesia Cathedrali, cum licentia, 1674. — ^May 6. — Guliehnus Bowser, et Maria Wren, cum licentia. 1677. — July 6. — Philippus Darcy, gen. et Anna Collingwood, cum licent. 1678. — ^February 16. — Johannes Hutchinson, curatus Ecdesiae de Auckland StL AndresB, et Eleanora Shaftoe, filia natu ma-rima, ThomsB Shaftoe, de le Hugh, in agro Northumbele, generosi et neptis Thom» Trotter, de Helmeden, generosi nup defunet nupti fuerunt per Badulphum Wren, curatie d. Escombe in Ecclia parochiali de Auckland Sti. Andreaa p'dict, cum licentia. 1680. — October 1 3.7— Christopherus Holmes, et Maria Bowser, vidua, nupti fuerunt in Ecdesia Cathedrali Dunelm, per me, Jo. Hutchinson, cum licentia. 1681. — ^March 29. — Henricus Smith, et Eliz. Bainbridge, nupti fuerunt in Ecdesia St. Oswaldi, Dunelm. 1681. — Junij 12. — Johannes Fenwicke, et Barbara Wren, cum licentia. 1699. — January 28. — Thos. Nicholson, of this parish, and Eliz. Dent, of the parish of Bummachurck. In the early registers, we find frequent mention of a Trotter family, members of which lived at Hunwick, Shildon, and Coimdon, but they were not in any way connected with the present family of that name now resident at Bishop Auckland. On an altar tomb, near the east window of the chancel, we find inscribed : — Here Lyeth the body of George Trotter, of Biers Hall, who departed this life ye 28th day of March, anno doni 1727. LH.S. Here lies the body of Mary Trotter, wife of George Trotter, who departed this life Jay. 10 1751, aged 63 years. We also find numerous entries of the family of Downa On a stone, standing at the extreme north-east comer of the old burial ground, is inscribed the following : — Here Lyeth ye Body of Joh. Downes senier, died Feby. ye 24th 1730 aged 63. Digitized by Google
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