This stone, comparatively speaking, is only small, but it must be considered a large one, if we take into account the age in which it was erected. It has on its reverse side three towers, evidently intended to represent a coat of arms.
In a fly leaf at the end of Vol. II. of the Registers, which seems to have been set apart for keeping the church accounts, we find many interesting entries, and select the following :—
Henby Murthwaite, cler. | |||
Robert White Hen. X Smith, |
Ch. wardns. |
1601. — Collected by vertue of Briefe for Drayton Sallop, upon violent and fierce fire, the summe of ten shillings sixe pence.
Daniel Russell, | Henby Murthwaite, cler. John Lax. Robert White. |
Collected and received by the vertue of a briefe for the redifying of the Church of St. Maries, in Scarbrough, the summe of ten shillings foure pence.
Wh. summe above writtn. was received by me,
Received of the Parishioners of South Church, by a briefe for and concerning the repaire of Rippon Minster, the sonune of sixteen shillings, the eighth of September, 1661. HsN. Mubthwaitb, Curat Bryak Walkbb, John Lax, > Churchwardens. Hbnbt X Smith, j Received for the relief e of the Protestants in ye Dukedome of Lathuania, towards the teranslating of the Bible, three ahillings and tenpence. Bbtan Walxxb. Robbbt Whttx. > Chur. Ward HxNBT X SiOTH, his Mrk. ) Received, upon the Briefe of Pontefract Church, the summe of three shillings, the 1st day of December, 1661. Bbtan Walxxb. BOBXBT Whitx. HxNBT X Smith, his Mark. April 22nd, 1694. — Collected then in our parish church, upon a Brief for ye releife of the inhabitants of WooUer, the sum of fifteen shillings— £0 15s. Od. Wm. Donnb, Minst QxoBax DoNNX, Churchwarden. Collected in our parish, for ye relief e of ye French Protestants, ye sum of two pounds sixteen shillings and threepence. £02 16s. 03d. October Uih, 1694. Will. Donnb, Minst John Tbottxb, Anthont Clabkb, V Churchwardens. Qbobqb Donnb, j March and April, 1695. — ^Collected in our parish, for ye relief e of ye inhabitants of Warwick, who were great sufferers by a most dreadfuU fire, ye sum of £02 08s. 7d. — ^two pounds eight shillings seven pence.. Wm. Donnb, Minister. Antho. Clabxb. CHAPTER IIL In the second volume of the Register of Burials, under date August 30th, 1678, we find the following curious heading to each page : — " Sepulturae in Lana Ovili" (buried in sheep's wool) ; and in a line with the name of the person buried are the names of other two persons, called, at the head of the page, " Testes," or those who bore testimony, upon oath, that the person buried had been wrapped in woollen. We give the following specimen of entries : — In Lana Ovili. Testes. .— April 1.— lUdiardiis Bowser, de A. Epi Gen. Maria Egleston, et Maria Jackson. . — March 7. — ^Robertas Shaw, de New-field. Qeorgius Pickering, et Geo. White. April 4. — Jana, filia illegitima Margarete Hood, de Eddely. Eliz. Garthwait, et Anna Cbltman. April 16.— Gulielmus, filius Caroli Wren, de Newton-Cap. Elianora Nelson, et Maria Annig. Marley. . — December 7. — James Wheatley, Eldon, buried in lining. Digitized by Google