Page:History of Cumberland, Maryland 2.djvu/582

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[Here is an omission of two days' orders, which cannot be supplied, but a blank may be left in the records to show the chasm.]* Camp at the Little Meadows, Tuesday, June 17th, 1755. Parole — Orford . Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. A detaxjhment to march to morrow morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Field Officer 2 Captains 6 subalterns 12 sergeants and 150 rank and file of y«  two regiments; Captain Gates 2 subalterns 2 Ser- geants 2 corporals and 50 private men of his inde- pendent company, Captain Wagoners and Captain Perouney's companys of Rangers. Lt Col Gage to command this detachment A de- tachment to march on Thursday morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Colonl 1 Lt Col 1 Major the two oldest companys of Grenadeers 5 Captains 20 subalterns 22 sergeants and 560 rank and file of ye two regiments. Sir Peter Halkett Lieut Col Burton and Major Sparke field officers for this detachment The Kings colour of y® 44'^ reg't and y© second colour of ye 48^^ regiment to be sent with this detachment. The men of the two regiments that are to march with the detachment of to morrow and Thursday to be taken out of those which landed from Ireland the commanding officer of each regiment to be an- swerable to his Excellency that this is complied with. A return to be sent in to-morrow morning to either of y® aids de camp signed by the command- ing officers of ye companys of ye two regiments of ye names and countries of ye men that are for

  • Tbla note is written in Washington's handwriting.