Page:History of Cumberland, Maryland 2.djvu/583

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ye above two detachments their term of service and the regiments they have served in. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint the fol- lowing captains and subalterns officers for y« above detachments and desires that they will take with them as little baggage as possible. For ye Detachment and command of Lt Col Gage. Of y^ 44th regt Of ye 48th regt Capt Beckwith Capt Morris Lieut Treby Lieut Harsard Lieut Sittler Lieut Barbutt Ensign Clarke Ensign Dunbar For the Detachment that marches on Thursday. • Of the 44th Regiment Of the 48th Regiment Captain Hobson Captn Dobson Gethius Cholmley Bowyer Lieut Halkett Lieut Walsam Bailey Hathorn Pottinger Edmonstone Simpson Cope Lock Brierton Kennedy Hurt Townshend Gladwin Ensign Nortlow Ensign Cowart Pennington Harrison Preston Crowe McMuUen. The Surgeons Mate of y® 48th regiment to march with this detachment. Capt Rutherfords Independent Company and Capt Stephens company of Rangers, to march to morrow morning with the detachment under y<* command of Lt Col Gage and to return to camp at night. One Corporal and 4 light horse to march to mor- row morning with the detachment under Col Gages command, and to remain with him. The detachment of Seamen and Capt Stuart with 8