Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/11

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Enniskillen and Londonderry hold out; Richard Hamilton marches into Ulster with an Army 153
James determines to go to Ireland 155
Assistance furnished by Lewis to James 156
Choice of a French Ambassador to accompany James; The Count of Avaux 158
James lands at Kinsale; James enters Cork 160
Journey of James from Cork to Dublin 162
Discontent in England 165
Factions at Dublin Castle 166
James determines to go to Ulster; Journey of James to Ulster 172
The Fall of Londonderry expected 176
Succours arrive from England; Treachery of Lundy; The Inhabitants of Londonderry resolve to defend themselves 177
Their Character 179
Londonderry besieged 184
The Siege turned into a Blockade 185
Naval Skirmish in Bantry Bay 187
A Parliament summoned by James sits at Dublin 188
A Toleration Act passed 193
Acts passed for the Confiscation of the Property of Protestants 194
Issue of Base Money 198
The Great Act of Attainder 200
James prorogues his Parliament 203
Persecution of the Protestants in Ireland 204
Effect produced in England by the News from Ireland 206
Actions of the Enniskilleners 209
Distress of Londonderry 210
Expedition under Kirke arrives in Lough Foyle; Cruelty of Rosen 211
The Famine in Londonderry extreme 214
Attack on the Boom 217
The Siege of Londonderry raised 219
Operations against the Enniskilleners 222
Battle of Newton Butler 224
Consternation of the Irish 225
The Revolution more violent in Scotland than in England 227
Election for the Convention; Rabbling of the Episcopal Clergy 229