Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/10

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The Court at Kensington 62
William's foreign Favourites 63
General Maladministration 65
Dissensions among Men in Office 67
Department of Foreign Affairs 71
Religious Disputes 72
The High Church Party 74
The Low Church Party 75
William's Views concerning Ecclesiastical Polity; Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury 77
Nottingham's Views concerning Ecclesiastical Polity 81
The Toleration Bill 83
The Comprehension Bill 90
The Bill for settling the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy 99
The Bill for settling the Coronation Oath 113
The Coronation 115
Promotions 118
The Coalition against France; The Devastation of the Palatinate 119
War declared against France 123
State of Ireland at the Time of the Revolution; The Civil Power in the hands of the Roman Catholics 125
The Military Power in the hands of the Roman Catholics 128
Mutual Enmity between the Englishry and the Irishry 128
Panic among the Englishry 129
History of the Town of Kenmare 130
Enniskillen 134
Londonderry 135
Closing of the Gates of Londonderry 137
Mountjoy sent to pacify Ulster 140
William opens a Negotiation with Tyrconnel 142
The Temples consulted 143
Richard Hamilton sent to Ireland on his Parole 144
Tyrconnel sends Mountjoy and Rice to France; Tyrconnel calls the Irish People to arms 146
Devastation of the Country 147
The Protestants in the South unable to resist 152