Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 3.djvu/9

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William and Mary proclaimed in London 13
Rejoicings throughout England; Rejoicings in Holland 14
Discontent of the Clergy and of the Army 15
Reaction of Public Feeling 17
Temper of the Tories 18
Temper of the Whigs 21
Ministerial Arrangements 23
William his own Minister for Foreign Affairs 24
Danby 25
Halifax 26
Nottingham 27
Shrewsbury; The Board of Admiralty 29
The Board of Treasury; The Great Seal 30
The Judges 31
The Household 32
Subordinate Appointments 34
The Convention turned into a Parliament 35
The Members of the Two Houses required to take the Oaths 39
Questions relating to the Revenue 41
Abolition of the Hearth Money 43
Repayment of the Expenses of the United Provinces; Mutiny at Ipswich 45
The first Mutiny Bill 49
Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act 53
Unpopularity of William 54
Popularity of Mary 57
The Court removed from Whitehall to Hampton Court 60