Page:History of Greece Vol VI.djvu/15

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CON1ENTS. a Spartans at the Olympic festival, entreating aid. Tone and topics of their address. Practical grounds of complaint on the part of the Mity- lenaeans against Athens few or none. The Peloponncsians promise assLiance to Mitylene energetic demonstrations of the Athenians. Asopius son of Phormio in Akarnania. The accumulated treasure of Athens exhausted by her efforts necessity for her to raise a direct con- tribution. Outbreak of the Plataeans from their blockaded town. Their plan of escape its extraordinary difficulty and danger. Half of the garrison of Plataea escapes to Athens. Blockade of Mitylune closely carried on by the Athenian general Paches the Mitylenaeans are en- couraged to hold out by the Lacedaemonians, who send thither Salaethus. Mitylene holds out till provisions are exhausted Salajthus arms all the people of Mitylene for a general sally the people refuse to join the city is surrendered to Athens, at discretion. The Peloponnesian fleet under Alkidas arrives off the coast of Ionia astonishment and alarm which its presence creates. Paches, after the capture of Mitylene, pursues the fleet of Alkidas, which returns to Peloponnesus without hav- ing done anything. Paches at Notium he captures the place his perfidy towards Hippias, the leader of the garrison. Notium recolo- nized from Athens as a separate town. Paches sends to Athens about a thousand Mitylenaean prisoners, the persons chiefly concerned in the late revolt, together with Salaethus. Important debate in the Athenian as- sembly upon the treatment of the prisoners. First mention of Kleon by Thucydides new class of politicians to which he belonged. Eu- krates, Kleon, Lysikles, Hyperbolus, etc. Character of Kleon. Indig- nation of the Athenians against Mitylene proposition of Kleon to put to death the whole male population of military age is carried and passed. Repentance of the Athenians after the decree is passed. A fresh as- sembly is convened to reconsider the decree. Account of the second assembly given by Thucydides speech of Kleon in support of the reso- lution already passed. Remarks on the speech of Kleon. Speech of Diodotus in opposition to Kleon second decree mitigating the former. Rapid voyage of the trireme which carries the second decree to Mitylenc it arrives just in time to prevent the execution of the first. Those Mitylenaeans whom Paches had sent to Athens are put to death treatment of Mitylene by the Athenians. Enormities committed by Paches at Mitylene his death before the Athenian dikastery. Surren- der of Plataea to the Lacedaemonians. The Plataean captive garrison are put upon their trial before Lacedaemonian judges. Speech of the Pla- taean deputies to these judges on behalf of themselves and their comrades. Reply of the Thebans. The Plataeans are sentenced to death by the Lacedaemonian judges, and all slain. Reason of the severity of the Lacedaemonians cases of Platoaa and Mitylene compared. Circum- stances of Korkyra the Korkyraean captives are sent back from Corinth, under agreement to effect a revolution in the government and foreign politics of the island. Their attempts to bring about a revolution they prosecute the democratical leader Peithias he prosecutes five of them in revenge they are found guilty. They assassinate Peithias and several other senators, and make themselves masters of the govern ment they decree neutrality their unavailing mission to Athens. The oligarchical party at Korkyra attack the people obstinate battle in the city victory of the people arrival of the Athenian admiral Nikostratus. Moderation of Nikostratus proceedings of the people towai is the vanquished oligarchs. Arrival of the Lacedaemonian ad-

miral Alkidas, with a fleet of fifty-three triremes. Renewed terror and