Page:History of Greece Vol VI.djvu/16

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CCCSTENTS. straggle in the island. Naval battle off Korkyra between NikoMratas and Alkidas. Confusion and defenceless state of Korkyra Alkidas declines to attack it arrival of the Athenian fleet under Eurymedon flight of Alkidas. Vengeance of the victorious Demos in Korkyra against the prostrate oligarchs fearful bloodshed. Lawless and fero- cious murders base connivance of Eurymedon. Band of oligarchical fugitives escape to the mainland afterwards land again on the island and establish themselves on Mount Istone. Political reflections intro- duced by Thucydides on occasion of the Korkvraean massacre. The political enormities of Korkyra were the worst that occurred in the whole war. How these enormities began and became exaggerated. Conduct of the opposing parties. Contrast between the bloody character of revo- lutions at Korkyra and the mild character of analogous phenomena at Atttiis. Bad morality of the rich and great men throughout the Gre ii vi ;Hlui 221-385 CHAPTER LI. Trt.t rw T vi:s IN KORKYRA, IN THE FIFTH YEAR OF THE PELO yi AAR, DOWN TO THE END OF THE SIXTH YEAR. Capture of Lllb&x, opposite Megara, by the Athenians under Nikias. Nikias his firs*, introduction, position, and character. Varying cir cumstances and condition of the oligarchical party at Athens. Points of analogy between Nikias and Perikles material differences. Care of Nikias in maintaining his popularity and not giving offence ; his very religious character. His diligence in increasing his fortune specula- tions in the mines of Laarium letting out of slaves for hire. Nikias first opposed to Kleon next to Alkibiades. Oligarchical clubs, or He- taries, at Athens, for poJitical and judicial purposes. Kleon his real function that of opposition real power inferior to Nikias. Revival of the epidemic distemper at Athens for another year atmospheric and terrestrial disturbances in Greece. Lacedaemonian invasion of Attica suspended for this year. Foundation of the colony of Herakleia by the Lacedaemonians, near Thermopylae its numerous settlers, great promise, and unprosperous career. Athenian expedition against Melos. undei Nikias. Proceedings of the Athenians under Demosthenes in Akama- nia. Expedition of Demosthenes against JEtolia. his large plans. March of Demosthenes impracticability of the territory of jEtolia rudeness and bravery of the inhabitants. He is completely beaten and obliged to retire with loss. Attack of -5tolians and Peloponnesians under Eurylochus upon Naupaktus. Naupaktus is saved by Demos- thenes and the Akarnanians. Eurylochus, repulsed from Naupaktus, concerts with the Ambrakiots an attack on Argos. Demosthenes and the Athenians, as well as the Akarnanians, come to the protection of Argos. March of Eurylochus across Akarnania to join the Ambrakiots. Their united army is defeated by Demosthenes at Olpae Eurylochua slain. The surviving Spartan commander makes a separate capitula- tion for himself and the Peloponnesians, deserting the Ambrakiots. The Ambrakiots sustain much loss in their retreat. Another large body of Ambrakiots, coming from the city as a reinforcement, is intercepted

by Demosthenes at Idomene and cut to pieces. Despair of the Am