Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/536

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AMBRYSUS. 604 ANDROS. vi. 305 seq. ; Demosthenfes's vic- tory over, vi. 307 seq. ; pacific con- vention of, with the Akamanians and Amphilochians, vi. 311. Ambrysus, re fortification of, xi. 494. dnimon, Alexander's visit to tiie oracle of, xii. 147. Amnesty decreed by Solon, iii, 98 : proposed by Patrokleides, viii. 225; at Athens, b. c. 403, viii, 293, 299 seq. Amoinpharetus, v. 174 seq. Ainorgcs, vii. 375; capture of, vii. 388. Ampltiaraus, i. 272, 275. Amphildyon, i. 98, 99, 103. Amphiktyonic assembly, i. 100; ii. 24 seq., xi. 241 ; condemnation of Sparta by, x. 202 seq. ; accusation of Thebes against Sparta I>efore, xi. 242 ; accusation of Thebes against Phokis before, xi. 243 ; resistance of Phokis to, xi. 244 seq.; sentence of, against the Pho- kians, and honors conferred upon Philip by, xi. 423, 429 ; at Delphi, B. C. 339. xi. 470 seq. Ampliiktyonies, or exclusive religious partnerships, ii. 243 seq., 248. Amphiktyons, punisliment of the Kir- riiacans liy, iv. 61 ; establishment of the Pythian games by, iv. 63 ; violent measures of, against the Amphissians, xi. 474 seq. Amphiktyony at Kalauria, i. 133. Amphilochian Argos, Eurylochuss pro- jected attack upon, vi. 302. Amphilochians and Akarnanians, pa- cific treaty of, with the Ambraki- ots, vi. 211. Amphilochus, i. 278 ; wanderings of, i. 313. Amphion and 2iethus, i. 263 seq. ; Ho- meric legend of, i. 257. Amphipolis, foundation of, vi. 11 seq. ; acquisition of, by Brasidas, vi. 406 seq. ; proceedings of Brasidas in, vi. 420 ; policy of Kleon and Nikias for the recovery of, vi. 457 seq. ; Kleon's expedition against, vi. 462 seq. ; topography of, vi. 464 seq. ; battle of, vi. 471 seq. ; negotiations for peace after the battle of, vi. 489 ; not restored to Athens, on the peace of Nikias, vii. 4 ; neglect of, by the Athenians, vii. 104, xi 215 ; ] claim of Athens to, x. 245 seq. 294 ; Iphikratcs at, x. 251, 299; failure of Timotheus at, x. 301 ; nine de feats of the Athenians at, x. 302 n. 2 ; Kallisthenes at, x. 370 ; Philip renounces his claim to, xi. 212, siege and capture of, by Philip, xi. 232 seq. ; Philip's dealings with the Athenians respecting, xi. 235. Amphissa, capture of, by Philip, xi, 497. Amphissians, accusation of, against Athens, xi. 470 seq. ; violent pro- ceediiigs of the Amphiktyons a- gainst, xi. 473 seq. Amphitryon, i. 91. Amphoterus nnd Akarnan, i. 283. Amyklae, ii. 327; conquest of, ii. 419. Amykus, i. 169. Amyntas, and the Peisistratids, iv. 19, Amyntas, father of Philip, x. 48 seq., 243 seq. ; and the Olynthiau con- federac', x. 50, 50, 58. 65 ; and Iphikrates, x. 108 ; and Athens, x. 243. 245 ; death of, x. 248 : as- sistance of Iphikrates to the family of, X. 250. Amyntas. son of Antioclius, xii. 9, 116, 125. Amyntas, son of Perdikkas, xii. 8. Anaktorium, iii. 402 seq., vi. 360. Anaphe. i. 240. Anapus, crossing of, by Dion, xi. 9l. Anaxagoras, vi. 101. Anaxand rides, bigamy of, ii. 386, Anaxarchus of Abdera, xii. 213. 21.5, 217. Anaxibius, ix. 150 .'>e7.. 156 seq.

the Hellespont, ix. 369 ; death of ix. 371 stq. Anaxikrates, v. 335. Anaxilaus, v. 211,230. Anaximander, iv. 381 seq. Anaximenes of Lampsacus, i. 40'J. Andokides, reputed oration of, against Alkibiades, iv. 151 n. 1, vi. 6 h. 1 ; do Mysteriis, iv. 123 n. 3 ; and the mutilation of the Herma;, vii. 196, 200 seq. Androgeos, death of, i. 211. Androklus. iii. 175. Andromache and Helenus, i. 305. Andromachiis, xi. 146. Andron, story of, respecting Krete, ii- 29. Andros, siege of. by Themistoklcs, v.