Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/537

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ANIMAL!?. 505 ARCADIA. 141 ; siege of, by Alkibiades and Konon, viii. 151. Animals, worship of, in Egvpt, iii. 319. Ankaeits, i. 177. Antalkldas, embassy of. to Tirabazus, ix. 374 spq. ; embassies of. to Per- sia, ix. 383, X. 157; in the Hel- lespont, ix. 334 ; the peace of, ix. 385 seq., X. 1 seq. yl/;^an(/nM, expulsion of Arsakesfrom, viii. 114; the Syracusans at, x.386. Ante-HeJlenic inhabitants of Greece, ii. 261 ; colonies from Phoenicia and Efrypt not probable, ii. 267. Anlen6i i'. 304, 315. Antigone, i. 276. AntigoH'is and Perdikkas, xii. 334; and Eumenes, xii. 338 ; great power of, xii. 357 ; alliance of Kassander, Lysimachns and Ptolemy against, xii 367, 372, 383, 387 ; measures of, ag-iinst Kassander, xii. 369, 370; pacification of, with Kassan- der, Lysimachns, and Ptolemy, xii. 371 ; iloxana and her son Alexan- der put to death by, xii. 371 ; mur- ders Kleopatra, sister of Alexan- der, xii. 372 : Athenian envoys sent to, xii. 380 ; death of, xii. 387. Antlqonua Gonatus. xii. 390. Antdochns, death of, i. 293. Antiinachus of Kolophon, i. 268. Anfioclmx at Samos and Notium, viii. 152, 153. Antiochns, &e Arcadian, x. 280. Aniiope, i. 257 seq. Antipaler, embassv of from Philip to Athens, xi. 386, 337, 390, 397,401 ; made vicerov of Macedonia, xii. 67, 68 ; and Olympias. xii. 68, 254 ; defeat of Agis by, xii. 284 ; sub- mission of all Greece to, xii. 285 ; Grecian hostilities against, after Alexander's death, xii. 313 seq^ ; and Kraterus, xii. 321 seq., 335 ; victory of, at Krannon, xii. 321, 322 ; terms imposed upon Athens by, xii. 324 seq. ; remodels the Peloponnesian cities, xii. 332 ; con- test and pacification of, with the jEtolians, xii. 332 ; made guardian of Alexander's family, xii. 337 ; leath of, xii. 338; last directions of, xii. 339. Antipater, son of Kassander, xii. 389. VOL. XII. 43 Antiphilus, xii. 319, 321. Antiphon, viii. 18, 30se7., 57 seq , 78 teq Antiquity, Grecian, a religious con- ception, i. 445 ; stripped of its re- ligious character by chronology, i. 446. Antisthenes, at Kaunus, vii. 397. Antistrophe, introduction of, iv. 89. Anytiis, viii. 130, 242. Aornos, rock of, xii. 225 n. 2, 227. Apate, i. 7. Apaturia, excitement at the, after tha battle of Arginnsa;,. viii. 193 seq. Aphareus, i. IG8, 169. Apheidas, i. 176. Aphepsion, and iMantitheus, vii. 200. Apfietce, Persian fleet at, v. 97, 98, 101. Aphrodite, i. 5, 52. Apis, i. 83. Apodektw, iv. 137. Apollo, i. 10 ; legend.! of, i. 45 seq., 50 ; worship and functions of, i. 49 seq., iii. 168; and Laomedon, i. 57,285; and Hermes, i. 59 ; types of, i. 61 ; and Admetus, i 113; and Koronis, i. 176; Sminthius, i. 337 ; evidence of the Homeric Hymn to, as to early Ionic life, iii. 168 ; temple of at ivlarus, iii. 184; reply of Del phian to the remonstrance of CrcB sus, iv. 189. Apollodorus, his genealogy of Ilellen, i. 106 seq. Apollodorus and the Thcoric fund, xi, 348. Apollokratis, xi. 105, 107, 117. ^/7o//onj«, iii. 402 567.: and the Illy- rians, iv. 6 seq. : and the Olynthian confederacy, x. 52. Apollonides, xii. 142, 149. Apries, reign and death of, iii. 32'. seq. Apsi/rtus, i. 238. Arabia, Alexander's projects with re- gard to, xii. 245, 250. Arachosia, Alexander in, xii. 200. Aradus, surrender of, to Alexander xii. 130. Arhela, battle of, xii. 155 seq. Arbitration at Athens, v. 354. Arcadia, ii. 299 ; state of, b. C. 560, it 441 seq. ; and Sparta, ii. 444 567.. v 315 ; proceedings in, after the bat- tle of Leuktra, x. 204 seq. ; inva- sions of, by Archidamus, x. 265,