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SIDON. 571 SOGDIAN ROCK. in, B. c. '1 10, X. 401 scq , invasion of, l)y Hannibal, n. c. 409, x. 405 pcq.; abandonment of Selinns hy the Hellenic cities of, b. c. 409, x. 408 ; Hannibal's return from, b. c. 409, X. 415 ; return of Hermokra- tes to, X. 415 ; invasion of, by Han- nibal and Imilkon, x. 422 seq.: southern, depressed condition of, n. c. 405, X. 457; expedition of ])ionysius asrainst the Carthagin- ians in, X. 483 seq.; frequency of l^estilence among the Carthagin- ians in, xi. 1 ; Dionysius's conquests in the interior of, b. c. 394, xi. 4; condition of, b. c. 353-344, xi. 130 ; voyage of Timoleon to, xi. 143 seq. ; invasion of, by the Cartha- ginians, B. c. 340, xi. 170; Timo- leon in, xi. 170-195; expedition lo, under Giskon, xi. 180; Agn-

hckles in, xii. 439 seq.; ceases to

h under Hellenic agency after A-uthokles, xii. 451. c.Jvn, in. 265 ; conquest of, by Dari- us Nothus, xi. 438 ; surrender of. to Alexander, xii. 130. nidus, capture of, by tl'C Lacedaemo- nians, ix. 335; recovery of, by Iphikrates, ix. 353. ibVe^e of Tr< j, i. 284-306. K>i(/eii!iii, Miiylensean at, i. 339 ; and Peistratus, iv. 117. Sil-ans, iii. 349, 351 n. 3, 369. Silcel prince, Duketius, iii. 374. Hikeh, iii. 349 ; in Italy, iii. 351, 375 ; migration of, from Italy to Sicily, iii. 3.53 H. 2; in Sicily.'iii. 367, x. 494, xi. 5, 6. SiLiimus, V. 126, 140, 313 J?. 2. iSikydn, origin of, i. 120 seq. ; early condition of, iii. 4 ; despots at, iii. 32 seq., 38 ; classes of people at, iii. 35 ; names of Dorion and non- Dorion tribes at, iii. 34, 37 ; Cor- inth, and Mcgara, analogy of, iii. 47 ; Athenian attacks upon, v. 332 ; Spartan and Argeian expedition against, vii. 97 ; desertion of, from Sparta to Thebes, x. 257 ; intes- tine dissensions at, B. c. 367-366, x. 269 seq. ; Euphron at, x. 269 seq., 272, 273. Silanus the prophet, ix. 40, 133 seq. Silphium, iv. 33. Silver race, the, i. 65. Simon, i. 304. jSimoiiides of Kios, ei)igrain of, on the battle of Thermopyla;, v. 104 ; mediation of, between Hiero and Thero, v. 227. Simonides ofAinorgus, poetry of, i. 463, iv. 73, 82. Sinope and the Amazons, i. 212 ?z. 3 ; date of the foundation of, iii. 249 n. 3; Perikles's expedition to, vi. 10; and the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 129 seq., 144; long indepen- dence of, xii. 459 ; envoys from with Darius, xii. 459. ,S/;j/in!/s, iii. 166: attack of Samiaa exiles on, iv. 244. Sirens, the, i. 1. Siris, or Herakleia, iii. 384. Sisi/ganibis, xii. 124, 164, 17J . Sisyphus, i. 118 seq. Silulkes, vi. 141. 215 seq. Sithonia, iv. 24, 25. SilUihe, the Ten Thousand Greeks at. ix. 65. Skolds, Icelandic, songs of, ii. 150 n. 2, ii. 157 n. SLcdasus. X. 178. Skejisis. Deikyllidas at, ix. 213. Skillus, Xenophon at, ix. 176 scq. Shone, revolt of, from Athens to Erasidiis, vi.435 scq. ; dispute about, after the One year's truce between Athens and Sparta, vi. 437; block- ade of, by the Athenians, b. c. 423, vi. 442 ; capture of, by the Athenians, b. c. 421, vii. 22. ' Skiritce, vii. 80, 84, x. 233. Ski/lax, iv. 237, 283, x. 227 n. 6. Skylletium, iii. 384. Skyros, conquest of, by Kimon, v. 303. Skytalism at Argos, x. 200 seq. Skythes of Zankle, v. 211 seq. Skythini, and the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 110. Slavery of debtors in Attica before Solon, iii. 94. Slaves in legendary Greece, ii. 97 seq. Smei'dis, iv. 221 seq. Sminthian Apollo, i. 50, 337. Smyrna, iii. 182, 189. Social War. xi. 220, 231. Socratic philosophers, their unjust cou demnation of rhapsodes, ii. 139. Socratici viri, viii. 403 n. Sogdian rock, capture of, by Alexan- der, xii. 214.