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Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/27

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/ io .. THE. HISTORY;' Book T. «  plied once by a native Briton to tbp whole body of tUe Caledo- nian Britons a % fo we fee the name of Britannia, a&ually applied by Ravennas to the country of the Etogaptea, a»d ou* own Siftufltii cxpre&ly declared m pofiefc a, third pajjt of this Eci>- tannia. 18 , • » 1 SEE Appendix No- 1, ancf Iter. L &£,— * Seerb. Lch.xiL fctt. 4. of this work. ~- 3 Vefpafianus — in Britanniam tranilrtus — dwas validiifimas gentes, juperque viginti oppufa-* et infulam* Ve&em Britannia proximam, in deditionem redegir (§uet;<*niu& p. 240* Oxon*) — 4 Dlo p-959. Hamburgi 1750* mid Tacitus Annal; lib. xii. c. 32. ~ 5 See b^ Iv ch.. ix* fe&. 1..*— 6 See. b* L ch.vii. feft.4.--7 Baxter'sGfofU and Antiq Jfrkan*-* 8 Qtfor pJJp* Clarke^Giafgow, Interiores plerique fnimsnta Hon ferunt, fed lafte etcarhe vivunt — 9 Oefar.p..j2v Oppiduwn* Britanni vocant— quo, incurfionis hoftium vitandae caufa* conuenire confueverunt ; and Tacitus in Agric. Vita c-xxviL Britanni coujuges ac liberos in Idea rata transferrent* — ,0 Caefar pu. 92*. Cognofck aon longo ex eo loco oppidum>Caflivellauni abeflb, £ylvi& paludibulque mu- nitum ;. quo fatis magnus homknum pecorifque Humerus conve- nerit. Oppidum, autem Britaani vocant quum iylvas impeditas vallo atque fofsa munierunt^.JLocum repent egregie naturft at- tfiie opere munitum.— p. 87, Ss in fyfcas ahdiderunt* locum na£ti egregie natura et opere mu nitum,- — quem>— jam ante prae- paraverant; nam, crebris arboribus fuccifis^omnes introitus erant praeclufi. — Seealfo Strabo p. 3061 Amftel. 1707. and more par- ticularl)* Dio p^ 227..-— *" Caafar p* 87.. Locum, ogregji et na*. tura et opere munitunxj quern, dbmeftLci belli* ut videbatur, causa, jam, ante praeparaverant..— Caefar p.. 88. Mela. Liiu c.6*. " and Richard p. 6. See a full account of this author in b. L ch.iiL. left, x. — "Richard p*. 17—27-, and' his and Antonine's- Itinerary {Sec Appendix. No. L) — IJ Richard; p. 50,. and the- fbbfequent Hiftory of the Population of Britain and of. Ireland b»L ch..xiL fe£t 4«!— j 1 Compare. Cajfar's expreffion* Antiquitua, tranfduftos*