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Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/28

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Ch*p. I. O F M A N C HE S 1* £ R, ttf tranfdu&os p. 33. and Memorid proditum p. 88. with Richard p„5o.—' 5 Richard p. 50. And in. p. 42. he fays, Certiflimum eft that the other tribes of Ireland came in poftea, after thefe Bri- tons.—- i6 See alfo k I. ch. xiL fe&. 4. — %1 Ptolemy ; Richard p. 47; Gale on Antoninus p. 15; and b. I. ch. v. feft. it Ravennas calls them Siftuntiaci (Gale, p, 146.); and Baxter, with his ufual wantonnefs of criticifm, alters their name Setantii into Segantii. — -i Horfeley, p. 282. — " More Roman infcriptions have been found at this Volantium or Elenborough than perhaps* in any one city befides through the whole extent of Roman Britain (Horfeley p. 279). And as tfte infcription upon the plane. of the above-mentioned altar was evidently In honour of Pere- grinus, ?nd in memorial of his building or reftoring the houfei arid temple of the Decuripnes, fo the infcription upon the ca- pital of it, Volant i vivas , was evidently a wifh in honour of the. fame perfon ; a toilh aptly correfponding with the dedication of the above-mentioned houfesand temple to the Genius of 'the place i a wifh that Peregrinus might always liv<* at the town to the inhabitants of which he had been fo great a benefa&or, and to the Genius of which he had been fb pious a votary.— *° Richard p. 27. Propria fie <fi<^i Brigantes, gens numerofiffima, toti oliitt provincial leges prefcribens ; and Ptolemy, though he places the Siftuntii on the weftern fea, yet carries the Brigpntes from fea t& fea.— -Richard p. 27. Volantji Siftuntiique ar&iori fdedere lonjundi —And Tacitus Agric Vit. c. tfvii. Brigantuna civita- rem qu« numerofiffima torfus provincial ptfrhibetur. .-*- ■*' Pliny . Hb.iv. c. 16. and Richard p. t. Veteres Britanniam primunlr Alhkmem— cognomlnaverunf. — "Pliny and Richard ibid.— •

  • ■ Richard p. 1.. Vocabulo gentis fare Britanniam cognominave*

Ant.— * 4 B. F. ch, xii. ftft. 2. and 4*-*-** So Siftuntii is formed by Ravennas into Siftuntiaci (Gale jk 146*)* and Peeni Punici and Phanices are one and the fame name.— .** Richard p> 18. and 20.— *' Brigantes (lays Galgacus), feminst duce, exurere co- loniam. &c^ (Agric* Vit. c. xxxi)* And fee alfb B.I. ch.-xii* fe&. £». — *• Gale p. 146. . C 1 IL CATTLE