ta -THE HISTOaY . Bookie II. • CATTLE were the great riches of the Britons in general . And it was a common practice among the tribes to keep large herds of their cattle upon the uninhabited grounds that lkirted the borders of their country. They retaiued under their own care, as many as they could conveniently furnifh with paftures, and they detached the reft into the borders under the care of their fervants. And thefe they fometimes called Cheangon or re- * tainers from their condition, and fometimes denominated, Paruis, herdfmen, or Gabrantic, goat-herds % from their employ^ The proper Brigantes had their Parifi or Gabrantuici inhabiting all the Eaft-riding of Yorkfhire for the benefit of its extenfive wolds The Ordovices of North-Wales had their Cangiani or Cangani inhabiting along the fea-coaft of Carnarvonshire from Brachy-Pult Point in the South nearly to Bangor in the North V And the Siftuntii of Lancafliire kept their cattle and their CangiL among the numerous mountains that fill up all the fouth o£ Weftmoreland, and that then formed the northern, barrier o£ their country. The Siftuntii alfo,. like their brethren! of York- shire and North-Wales* naturally provided for. the fecurity of thefe Cangii and their charge by the ereftion of fortrefle^among; their paftures. Such plainly appears to have been the Petuaria, of the Parifi, the Segontium of the Cangani, and the Concangii; of the Siftuntians. Such the two firft are evinced ta ha»ve beeiK by their fites and the names of the tribes to which they belonged*. And fuch is the laft more plainly evinced to /have, been by, its own name as well as by its own fite; Its name imports it to ba the capital of the Cangii* And its proximity to Lancafhire,, being feated at Water-crook in the Vale, of Kendal* thews thofe. inhabitants to be the Cangii ofths Sifhmtians- 4 * The whole; county of Weftmoreland muft have been originally appropriated' to the feeding of cattle ; and muft for this purpofe have, been, partitioned equally betwixt the Siftuntii .and the Volantii, the adjoining:
Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/29