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Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/63

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4 o T HE HISTORY Bock J; mention, xinoppofed by any other fcvidence, unuft carry r d decifivc . authority with it. And none of thefe eight cohorts was diftin- guifhed from the reft, as one of the legionaries i constantly was, by the title of primary and a double complement of men* Each ^was diftinguifhed only by the name of the people of whopi iv, confifted, and by the orde* of iucceflloa ia which it had bpen-i raifed among them. Each muft have contained nearly the fame : complement of men. And as the whole amount of the ten le- . gionaries in infantry during the fecond, third, and fourth centuries " m was exa&ly fix thoufand onp hundred men s, and the amount of/ the eight annexed auxiliaries was exa&ly ths fan^ each ^ohort of, the latter muft have had'feven hundred rand ;fixty.-two men,, If therefore the firft-raifed -cohort of theFrifiaos had T as we have every reafon to fuppofe that every corps of Rompas in the ifiand oxfa narily had '% its entiite Gpmplei&eftt; p£ aapen f . i; the garriion ;of 4 Maacunium muft hav r Q ordi-aariif cqfcfiftfcd of $*ven hundred and r fixty-two fooHbldiers." B*t< fiaacp-a^wt, three frufldr^d and, fifty 7 of thefe muft have been, regularly abfeat ; from the Ration,, ami have beea fixed upon <uty #t Come diftaiice from it, asjL.iball) Ihew hereafter *Vithe reit garriibftiopuldyM^bf^ pnly,abo^r . tour hundred meiL ; And eight meja> out /of evfery ^itfkify. in it*,-, thirtjf-two in aid, -muft have caatk^uQil%fp©n ;gu^r4 ; iij the Caftlgr:,- field from fix in the, evening to fix in the morning ; ; being fixed at their pofts: within the caftrufn by the fo^nd of- the tnanqpet^ being relieved every third hpur by the found of the . horn, . and being kept afert at tHcdrptofts by^th^e; appointed vaikers of the rounds**,; .- ; v ^ / : . -,"•.,.-• ...-".. . The whole cor6pafs,iof.the artfa wkhin'muft have been filled with cablhs conftru&ed r of timber upon foundations of ftone, and roofed with tiles fhingles or ft raw u , . The praetoriuap^ pr the* pkvilion of the tommaxidant* jmufft have^bjeeii ere&ed w a fup^i riour ftyle; /The -barracks of the : reft, m^ftffeave jbaeu raifed. k . regular lines, bii each fide of it. And the fe^r^ -cabins of • the centurions, and the ftandards of tjie centuries, muft have xifen re- gularly over the whole " Each dabin of; th£ f^Jdioc? ^as Jaqge. enough to contain a band of efewa xtimi 4p4;ftW?ft jFPJ e SVW?r tered