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Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/64

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•Chap. II. OF MANCHESTER. 4 t tered in each, ten under the government of one, and the latter denominated the dean or the head of the band ,$ . Each cabin muft have been large enough to have contained more, as it is evident from feveral infefiptions, and as it would be evident without them, that the Romans in general, the common fol^ diers as well as the officers, had their wives and children along with them. And the number of cabins in Mancunium muft have been about fifty or fixty in the whole, including the hof- pital for the fick, the workhoufe of the armourers, the maga- zine for the corn, and the repofitory for arms. Formed by thefe, one principal ftreet muft have crofled the area obliquely from eaft to weft, and another, a fubordinate one, obliquely from north to fouth. The former muft have begun at the praetorian gate, have led to the front of the praetorium, and have terminated obliquely behind it at the decuman gate. The latter muft have commenced at the water-gate, and have ftretched away to the gate which opened into the road for Ribchefter. And both thefe ways muft have been particularly narrow. Such a&ually was the way which Mr. Horfeley meafured exa&ly from one range of ftru&ures to another, betwixt the very vifible foun- dations of the barracks at the ftation of Amboglanna or Bur- dofwald in Cumberland. The outer walls of the barracks were abfolutely twenty-eight inches in thicknefs. And the clear opening between them was only thirty-two h) width Itf . 1 The name is differently read in Antoninus. Some MSS exhibit Mamucium, fome Manucium, and others Mancunium ; and the agreement of Richard (fee b. I. ch. iii. f. i.) with the MS. that prefents the laft reading (hews Mancunium to be in- dilputably the right appellation. — 1 Itin. Curiof. p. 60. — ' See f. 3.— * See b. I. ch. xii. f. 5. — ' Chefhire No. 3. in Horfeley, and Antonine's Iter 2. ; Ptolemy and Notitia for York ; and Horfe- ley p. 21 r. and Notitia. See alfo ch, vi. f. 4. and ch. xii, f. 5. b. I. — 6 Horfeley p. 87. — 7 Vegetius 1. II. c. vi. and vii. where he fpeaks exprefsly of the Ordinatio Legionis Antiquae.— * Hift. G lib. I.