Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/587

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463 STATISTICS OP TRANSPORTATION. Thx following Return, showing the Number of Convicts Transported to statistics New South Wales, from 1787 to 1841, when Transportation to the of trans- Colony ceased, has been prepared by T. A. Coghlan, Esq., the Govern- Po»^won- ment Statistician, from the authorities mentioned : — 1 From British From England. Colonies Total. Year. General Totals. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. •1787 .. 664 192 564 192 7B6 1789 .. 904 245 .... .... 994 845 1.289 •1791 .. 2,121 286 t. •• .... 2,121 286 2,407

  • 17»2 ..

S14 64 .• . . .... 814 64 868 n7i» .. 1 .... .... 1 . 1 •1794 .. 85 "69 86 59 94 1796 .. 1 181 'i62 "76 158 201 864 1796 .. 190 184 43 824 43 867 1797 .. 287 "94 287 94 881 1798 .. 206 »« • • '462 60 608 50 658 1799 .. 257 50 257 60 807 1800 .. 166 87 166 87 263 1801 .. 448 96 ■496 88 944 184 1,128 1802 .. 271 ISO 271 130 401 180S .. 494 136 494 136 680 1806 .. 125 85 "264 '166 379 200 579 1806 .. 196 106 195 106 801 1807 .. .• • . 97 .. •• .... 97 97 1808 .. 197 140 .... 'iii 197 332 III 1809 .. 197 121 197 121 1810 .. 592 100 isi "46 781 140 871 •1811 .. 673 99 678 99 672 •1812 .. 860 167 'isb .... 496 167 662 1813 .. 601 119 818 819 119 988 1814 .. 688 282 282 • • .. 865 282 1,097 •1816 .. 808 101 800 , 1,108 101 1,204 •1816 .. 1,188 101 149 1 1,337 102 1,489 •1817 .. 1,518 101 620 89 2,088 190 2,228 1818 .. 2,095 126 670 101 2,766 227 2,992 •1819 .. 2,180 148 724 78 2,904 226 8,130 •1820 .. 2,697 121 845 .... 8,442 121 8,563 •1821 .. 2,150 211 480 80 2.639 291 2,930 18B .. 850 57 • •> . .... 866 67 913 •1828 .. 661 119 .... 651 119 770 1825 .. 764 140 901 ill 1,665 251 1,916 1896 .. 679 1,086 100 1,715 100 1,815 1827 .. 1,289 842 846 160 2,086 602 2,587 1828 .. 1,589 179 752 192 2,341 871 2,712 1829 .. 2.008 819 1,168 174 3,171 403 8.664 1880 .. 2,096 128 685 816 2.781 444 8.225 1881 .. 1,437 206 692 298 2,129 604 2.683 1882 .. 1,793 248 928 133 32 2,758 881 3,134 18SS .. 2,685 375 794 261 19 ' 2 3,498 688 4,186 1884 .. 1,877 282 781 173 46 2 2,704 457 8,161 1836 .. 2,044 177 1,324 55 2 3,423 179 8.602 1886 .. 2,124 274 952 894 80 .... 3,156 668 8,824 1887 .. 2,078 2S5 737 208 77 .... 2,892 633 3.425 1888 .. 1,528 172 1,067 161 145 2,740 883 3,073 1838 .. 1,157 813 872 414 86 1" 1,606 728 2,298 1840 .. 1,080 212 912 249 112 2,118 461 2,574 1841 .. 269 212 177 249 32 .... 478 461 989 Totals.. 60,175 7.676 20,119 4,680 Gran 634 1 7 70.928 12.362 83,290 d Tfttal . 88,290

  • Transported from the United Kingdom. In other years the numbers of convicts arriving

in Vew South Wales are given. Digitized by Google