Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/588

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464 STATISTICS Siatlftios These tables have been compiled from the following anthori- portaUon. ^^^ • — 1787 Collins, Aooount of the English Colony in New Sputh Wales ; introduction, p. lU. 1 789 to 1 794. . .A return of the number of persons, male and female, who have been transported as convicts to Nev South Wales since the first establishment of the colony, ordered bj the House of Commcms to be printed, 16th February, 1810. 1795 to 1810... Appendix, 29 and 30, to report of Select Commit- tee on Transportation, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed,' 10th July, 1812. 1811 to 1820... Account of the total number of ships which hne proceeded from ports of Great Britain and Ireland with convicts for New South Wales, ordered hj the House, of Commons to be printed, 19th April, 1821 ; and a Return of the number of convicts, male and female, sent out of the United Kingcbm from 5th January, 1816, to 5th January, 1822» ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 27th March, 1822. 1821 to 1823. . .Account of convicts transported to British Coloniw during 1822 and 1823, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 18th March, 1824. 1825 to 1841... From the records in the office of the GovemmiSBt Statistician.

  • All the returns on this subject, so far as they relate to the First Fie^

diffier from one another : — Phillip's Votaqx contains, in an appendix, "a list of Convicts sent to New South Wales in 1787/' giving their names, where convicted, dale ol conviction, and term of sentence. The total number thus stated arnxMnsts to 775. But a summary in the preface gives different results ; the mt mh ar being :— 600 male convicts, 250 females ; total, 850 ; while another summary at p. 13 makes the number of male convicts, 586; of female, 192; total, 778L LiEUTENAMT KiNo's MS. JOURNAL of the Vovs^se to Botany Bay gives a specific account of each ship iu the Fleet, including the number of conmts on board the transports. The number of male convicts is stated by hia at 563, the female at 180 ; totaU. 752. Collins, in the introduction to his Account of the Oolooy, gives a iriintlar return, showing the number of male convicts on board at 564 ; of f e milf > 192; total, 756. The HxsTORT or New Holland, published by Stockdale in 1787, boCoc* the departure of the Fleet, states the number of male convicts at 600 ; of females at 178 ; total, 778. CoLQUHOUN, Police of the Metropolis, p. 472, gives the returns from 1787 to 1797 from Parliamentary Papers, differing sli^tly from those abof*.. Digitized by Google